Page 34 of Wolf Outcasted
“Think about it. Willow Alundra Phoenix. She’s obviously the heir to a powerful kingdom that’s engraved their power into the very roots of our world and kept up with the times to the point that they blend far too easily into society. When you normally think of royalty, many think of the fae because we’re rather dramatic with everything we do in the lines of royal heritage. We make sure we stand out. We wear glamorous items and jewelry that displays our worth in a reflective presentation of status and warning. From the brief confrontation with Queen Phoenix and Princess Ruby Phoenix, they blend in rather nicely. Obviously, Queen Phoenix looked like royalty from her entrance, but the fact that none of us have seen her until this point proves that they keep themselves on the down-low. That’s an asset in the lines of power, and it’s no different from the way purebloods hide amongst the shadows of society. None of us would really know what Dimitris is unless he revealed it or someone like Loki came along and caught onto the hints.”
“But Viktor,” Saint voiced, “it sounded like you knew what Dimitris was.”
“I sensed it,” Viktor admitted. “But I didn’t think it was possible. It was announced a good while ago that all Pink Thunder wolves were extinct. The last one was a boy whose name started with an M.”
“Mikael,” Nico quietly acknowledged.
We were silent for a moment as if to give him the quietness he deserved out of respect to his memory.
"They have royalty as one asset and pure blood as another, and you have to acknowledge that they’re both Alpha wolves, or at least Willow carries a strong potential in becoming an Alpha. Then you acknowledge Willow’s magic affinity matched with Dimitris’s demigod quality, and well. You can just combine all those assets and you get a child with immortality.”
“Wait,” Onyx interrupted. “Neither of them is immortal.”
“Dimitris is,” Nico surprisingly jumped in. “It’s not necessarily noticeable as of now. If Dimitris gets shot, he can ‘die’, but that death is associated with his human side, if we can even call it that.”
"I don’t understand,” Milo confessed. “His mundane side is but a tiny shard in comparison to his shifter traits, which are wolf, demigod, and pureblood. If you further break it down into percentages, I’m sure the mundane part of him would be under five percent, while his wolf percentage is probably the highest with how strong his wolf characteristics are. So, in a way, I can understand his immortality. But why isn’t it active given how insignificant his human counterpart is in comparison to his supernatural traits?”
“Dimitris is similar to me,” Nico voiced calmly as he looked over to the sleeping Alpha in question. “He has a triggered entity, and that being is what holds the bulk of his power. That’s exactly why it does not come out to play.”
“Why not?” Viktor questioned.
“Do you want the world to end?” Nico offered with a sloppy smirk. “Dimitris is dangerous just as he is, but he carries control. A lot of it. Now, what would happen if his entity were triggered?”
“All the control slips away,” Milo whispered. “What’s more dangerous than a sane hybrid at his caliber of power is an insane one with no reins to pull on when the madness needs to come to an end.”
“Bingo,” Nico declared. “Did you really think the three of us would serve under someone weaker than us?”
He had a point. The three of us had our own points of strength that couldn’t simply be tamed by Dimitris’s Alpha qualities. It was his umbrella of power that kept our “sides of destructive force” in check, and that was for the better.
Aside from Willow, no one else would be able to gather all of us in a room without someone dying while the world came to an apocalyptic end.
“Wait.” The word left my mouth as my wolf and I seemed to think of the same thing. “Wouldn’t that mean Willow and William’s child would have some sort of personality disorder or basically have a trigger like how Willow has Willa?”
That got the rest of them thinking, and Onyx seemed the most displeased with this entire topic.
“Why would anyone in power be worried about Willow and Dimitris having kids?” He got straight to the point. “If she’s having kids with anyone, it’s with me first.”
“Are we really going to have this debate right now?” Loki offered in a teasing tone that had Onyx growling and Viktor sighing.
“I have to agree with Onyx’s inquiry,” Viktor began. “Why is the Vile Queen or anyone else, for that matter, worried specifically about Willow and Dimitris?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Loki offered. “The news of Willow’s uprising onto the High Court is brewing through the grapevine of the supernatural underground. Now add those who know about Willow’s royalty, which will be confirmed at the fashion show that’s coming up. Royalty, plus being the richest woman in NYC, and now having a chair on the High Court which proves she has a strong enough magic infinity to ascend to Master status, and she’s basically an overpowered, badass queen.”
We looked at him as we followed his head tilt over to Dimitris.
“Despite how threatening and powerful each of you are, at the end of the day, Dimitris is Alpha of your pack. His assets are only what he’s displaying on the human scale, but all purebloods carry hidden assets, and Dimitris is no different. Like I explained earlier, if he decided to delve into his heritage, he’d be accepted with open arms. That’s a rare deal in itself that invites financial abundance, security of power, and support from his own.” Loki broke it down for us so we could truly understand the stakes. “Now add everything on the surface. He has a pack as powerful as you all are. Each individual carries a set of assets that are hard to secure in our dominating world of power and competition. You all have come together under pack oath which invites all the connections you carry around the world. After that, combine your skill sets, money, and positions in society, and then analyze which supernatural trait you each carry and voilà. You have yourself a very dangerous alliance in the form of Alpha and Luna. Don’t you think?”
“You’re holding back something,” Viktor noted, and we could see from his questioning eyes that he was trying to figure it out.
Loki’s smirk was a clear admission that he was keeping something from us.
“Well, what would seal the deal in a family with status, fortune, and power?”
None of us said a word, but my wolf clocked in on the hidden truth.
That made me frown as my eyebrows scrunched in uncertainty.