Page 22 of Wolf Outcasted
“For the sake of Dimitris’s recovery, I’ll stay for now,” I concluded. “I can’t necessarily rush anyways. I’d have to wait to determine if my daughter will return or remain here.”
“You like calling her daughter, huh?” Saint noted. “If she returns to the fae lands, won’t she miss you?”
I wasn’t sure. “I don’t know. I mean…I’ve been gone for ten months. If it wasn’t for this organization that takes targeted shifter children created by Willow and the others, I would be more worried about her safety than anything else. My presence probably means nothing to her. She may not even remember me.”
“Will you visit her, finally, once we’re done here?” Neo inquired.
“I’d like to,” I admitted. “We’ll see.”
They nodded in understanding, knowing how sensitive the topic was.
“Shall I take the lead in leaving?” I offered. Though I hadn’t really gotten the chance to ask certain questions, I was going to take Neo’s advice and rest a bit. My body was aching now and my magic being low wasn’t helping.
“Are you going to be okay?” Neo asked, which was a bit surprising. “Don’t you need to replenish your energy?”
“I doubt there’ll be any natural lagoons around here,” I confessed as I rolled my shoulders back. “I can hold up until we return to the city.”
“If you need to go earlier, tell one of us. We’ll take you down,” Saint urged. I knew he meant it from his expression, and Neo nodded to further emphasize their desire to help.
“I appreciate it.” I bowed my head slightly. “I’ll be going to rest.”
I made it to the door before Saint added, “Again, if you’re caught snooping, you gotta join in.”
Neo lightly chuckled and Saint huffed. “Neo, stop that. Your mere laughter makes me question if I’m going to be killed by you or if you’re actually excited at the idea of a foursome.”
“I’m down with anything when it comes to Sweetness,” he voiced. “As they like to say, the more the merrier.”
“Until you’re piling bodies,” Saint whined with dread.
“I hope the bodies I left don’t rot in the studio. That would be a shame,” Neo casually commented.
Saint sighed. “Jayce passed by and put them in the freezer before the fiasco. We’re good.”
“Jayce is sneaky, just like you,” Neo commented and couldn’t hide his glee. “I’ll reserve you both an eyeball.”
“No one asked for eyeballs, Neo,” Saint said in disgust.
“Could help you see better so you’ll know when I’m hiding in the wall.”
“My eyes ain’t going to help me see you in the fucking wall, Neo,” Saint said, exasperated. “Wait. How long were you hiding for?”
“Enough to masturbate while watching you enjoy yourselves.”
“Fucking hell. You're worse than Milo over there.”
I couldn’t help but look over my shoulder at Saint. “If he was there the whole time, why aren’t you punishing him?”
Saint cringed at the mere idea. “So that I can die, be revived, die again, be revived again, probably be tortured and get my cock cut off, bleed to death, get revived, and repeat the cycle until our Forbidden Queen feels pity for my dead-alive ass and asks Neo to kindly stop killing me anymore?” Saint summed up. “Ya, fuck that. I ain’t suicidal here. I like partying, drinking, and going on dates with Willow. I owe her a date and enjoy sucking lollipops so how about no.”
“You only like sucking Willow’s lollipop,” Neo noted.
“Willow eats lollipops?” I genuinely asked and the two of them looked at me with expressions that surely mocked me. “Never mind.”
Then they both laughed.
“You need to meet William, Milo,” Saint encouraged. “I’m sure he could relieve that boner of yours.” There I went blushing again, and I looked down to see if I was actually hard -or still hard from before.
When I saw nothing, I simply pouted. “I’m leaving.”
“Bye,” Saint said sweetly, while Neo bobbed his head my way in farewell. I left as Saint added, ‘You know, despite the fact that I want to kill him, he’s pretty cool.”
“Agreed,” Neo concluded as the door closed.
Standing in the hall, I took a deep breath and let it out.
Where do I stand in all of this? Goddess…please lead me down the right path.