Page 175 of Wolf Outcasted
“The timing,”Neo whispered.“Why did they wait until Willow and the others were on their way to work?”
Isn’t Willow going with Saint to the photoshoot site? Loki’s supposed to go with them. Dimitris is with them too.
“Dimitris.”Neo was clearly trying to reach our Alpha, but the silence that followed made me frown. I was sure I wasn’t the only one frowning as Viktor tried to reach Willow.
Are we not talking in the pack bond?
“We are,”Onyx assured them.“I’ll be in the office in a minute, but why aren’t our messages getting through to the others?”
There could only be one reason and it had me multitasking as my fingers went on a hunt, typing on the keypad until I knew the exact culprit.
Fucking hell. There’s a magic grid up.
“Why? Nothing is happening. There’s no word in the news,”Onyx pressed.
“Neo?”It was Milo who questioned our artist, but his silence only made me suspicious.
“What route is Willow on?”
“Route?”Onyx questioned.
“They should be taking the hidden road,”Viktor emphasized.
“Yes, that’s protocol but we haven’t hired a private driver for our residence,”Nico revealed. That already had my mind spinning while I looked back at the coordinates and immediately began picturing exactly where they were.
A normal driver…has to take the normal route… Dimitris is going to the bank for a draft for my charity. That’s near the old office. The photoshoot destination is nearby. That’s why they’re together…fastest route they would take…
Then it clicked.
The bridge…the bridge from the first accident. They’re taking the same route.
“Dimitris already warned our selected drivers to never take that route because of Willow’s potential PTSD,”Onyx emphasized.
“Shit, shit, shit.”Viktor was on a cursing rant.
“What?”Milo questioned, but Nico had already gotten to the answer.
“Today was a sub-in driver.”
I cursed followed with a hiss as I gripped the bike handles to break.
The screech of my tires was enough to spark smoke against the pavement - my bike stopping mere inches from the train of traffic ahead.
“Jayce?”Nico’s voice was smooth but held a dose of concern.
“Are you alright?”Onyx questioned.
Barely. There’s a fucking traffic jam!
My eyes immediately went to my dashboard, and I noticed that the four blinking dots were still in the place they had been in since I set everything up.