Page 111 of Wolf Outcasted
“To call someone Everlasting means you’re willing to battle through every storm to remain by their side,” Dimitris confessed, his voice almost inaudible. “My mother told me I’d meet my Everlasting one day when I least expected it. When that time came, she’d anoint us to be blessed for all our years.”
He softly chuckled and yawned again, and I could imagine him closing his eyes.
“Guess she was right about one thing. I finally met my Everlasting.”
No more words were spoken, and I listened to Dimitris’s heartbeat as it slowed just like his breathing.
“Would never think at first glance how selfless he really is,” Viktor muttered to himself. “Guess I’ll let him take a ten-minute power nap.”
The car was quiet once more, the sound of the road and us cruising towards our destination only further solidifying my purpose. What was in store would be hard, but walking down that runaway and presenting myself to the world of royals would prove my worthiness.
Time to warn the competition.
"I’ll get security ready,”Viktor announced as he closed the door and waved to the four agents in black that stood at attention at the private entrance.
I whistled as my eyes scanned the finished basement of glass and black marble that layered the walls and the pillars that held the entire structure.
“Fuck. I didn’t think it would turn out this beautiful.” To say I was impressed was an understatement. I was astonished at what could be done with a lot of money in a short period of time.
“You approved of the blueprints,” Dimitris noted as he closed his door and walked over to where I was gawking like a sightseeing foreigner in a new country.
“You’re right, but my expectations were low. I’ve never heard of the company, other than they work with a bunch of celebrities and models.”
“The CEO is actually an award-winning photographer. He only does photoshoots once a year and that’s if he feels like it,” Dimitris explained as he reached my side and began to smooth out his shirt before making sure the rest of his attire was perfect. “He hasn’t done one this year so some may use this project as an excuse. His creativity is wild and he enjoys exquisite architecture. I’m sure this is going to be trending an hour after we make our debut.”
“Like you planned,” I concluded as I side-glanced at him.
His hands went through his hair, those navy-blue locks back in their vibrancy though there were a few strands of white that remained which kinda made it seem like he was testing out a bit of highlights to see how it would look.
I caught onto his left knuckle. The area was still red and bruised.
The mere sight made me frown while Dimitris answered, “Every planned distraction is a good distraction, even when things get out of line like today and you have to resort to drastic measures to make sure we’re early and not just ‘on time’. When you think about it, we got lucky. The others should be pulling up shortly after all that traffic.”
“Another perfect entrance scene,” I casually muttered and finally reached for his left hand. He looked over at me when I grasped his hand and lifted it up so he saw the obvious wound.
“Why haven’t you healed this?” I asked while my stern eyes met his relaxed ones. He shrugged -literally shrugged like this wasn’t a big deal to his flawless outlook.
“I wasted too much energy earlier. I don’t have it in me to deal with something so insignificant. I’ll be fine. If anyone brings it up, I’ll say I got a bit too rough during kickboxing training.”
He began to walk away but I tugged his hand back which forced him to stop.
“William,” he began without looking my way. “We can’t-”
His words were cut off the moment my lips pressed against the middle of his knuckles, prompting him to look back at me when he began to feel the tingling heat my lips ignited. He tried to hide his amazement as he watched his bruised knuckles begin to heal, and it felt oddly comforting to feel the humming of my magic as it happily spread through my lips to aid our own.
To aid my Alpha.
“There.” My voice was muffled against his flesh before I leaned back to my full height and stared into those mesmerizing orbs that were literally captivated by mine. “All healed.”
I dropped his hand and slipped my own into my pockets then walked past him before he could respond.
“Let’s go put on a show, Alpha,” I hummed quietly, knowing he’d pick up my words.
He was at my side the moment we were by the elevator, waiting with Viktor and a total of six giant men in black suits. They were taller than me, and I could tell they were Omegas by their mere presence.
They didn’t seem very friendly, but with the heightened situation outdoors with fans and the press, they had to look menacing so no one did anything stupid.
Five of us took the elevator while one took the stairs to ensure no one was hiding there with a weapon - like what we’d just dealt with this morning – and we regrouped before taking the side exit that led to the private outdoor commons area.