Page 109 of Wolf Outcasted
"Loki has to know what Onyx is and the potential he carries. He’s his brother after all.”
“That’s why you’ve been forcing them together?”
“If they’re both going to stalk Willow, I might as well lump them with each other.”
“Why did you make Milo go with them in the other car?”
“Someone has to sit in the middle seat or those two will kill each other,” Dimitris stated like it was common sense.
“You’re actually right about that one,” Viktor concluded. “Think we can do everything by the new year?”
“We don’t have a choice,” Dimitris stressed. “We ain’t dealing with this bullshit in the new year. I’d like us to be secure business-wise so we can prepare Willow for her role as Alpha and on the High Court.”
“You seriously want her to be an Alpha?”
“I made a bargain with the Phoenix Empire that she would take control in a year.”
“Why didn’t you request their assistance first before offering your position?” Viktor inquired.
“Just because we’re dating Willow, that doesn’t give us the right to request her family’s services freely. No matter the situation, I doubt they would agree to it without something in return. None of us has truly proven ourselves in the public eye that we’re serious. They could think this is all a show or just to distract the public from what’s happening in the supernatural world. Either way, Willow’s family needs some sort of proof that the others and I are in this for the long run. That we’re not just using Willow,” Dimitris elaborated. “They’ve been forced to stay out of Willow’s life because of the circumstances that were set to lead you two to your rightful positions, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care about Willow’s overall wellbeing. Now that they can be back in her life, they want to help any way they can, but I don’t think they want to be overwhelming and project that they wish to control Willow.”
“So by offering the position as Alpha in the Forbidden Pack, it will ensure Willow remains in a space she has control over rather than being swallowed by the duties requested of her as a royal and member of the High Court,” Viktor summed up. “Sometimes you think really outside of the box.”
“That’s how you make sure no one fucks you over,” Dimitris reasoned.
“You should wake William soon. We’re almost at the underground tunnels.”
“Let him rest a bit a more,” Dimitris encouraged. “He’s juggling a lot. He’s gonna need the energy to face the public.”
“At least you’re getting softer,” Viktor noted.
Dimitris actually chuckled. “I’m surprised you haven’t tried to murder me yet. And no, what happened in the basement doesn’t count.”
The car fell silent before Viktor whispered, “He's able to use some of my abilities.”
“Meaning you can stop time?” Dimitris sounded impressed. “That could have been handy before Willow was kidnapped.”
“I can’t use it freely,” he continued, ignoring Dimitris's comment. “I’ve used it once in my life during my assassin days. That was years before Willow was born.”
“Is she supposed to be able to use your abilities so soon?”
“No,” Viktor admitted. “I haven’t even finalized the connection.”
“You have to finalize it?” Dimitris clarified.
“In the Master-Disciple relationship, the Master has to undergo a ritual in a sacred lagoon of magic. It’s tricky to find, but there are two current dilemmas I have with it.”
“Which are?”
“The symbols that need to be drawn on Willow are tricky. They need to be perfect and well, it’s physically painful to get.”
“Like a tattoo.”
“Correct,” he stressed. “As for the other part, I need one more person to be there for the lagoon portion. Someone who’s strong in the magic department.”