Page 107 of Wolf Outcasted
Let Loose And Warn The Competition: Part Two
"So areyou going to explain this initiation process Willow went through last night without my knowledge, or am I supposed to act like a foolish guard for the sake of being supportive?”
I didn’t recall when I’d fallen asleep, but I was rather comfortable in the position I was in. My body was leaning to the left, my head resting on someone’s shoulder which I could assume was Dimitris’s because it was only us two in the back of his ride.
The last thing I’d recalled once we’d fastened our seatbelts and relaxed into the comfortable, luxe seats was Dimitris instructing Viktor to take the long route. With how crazy the morning had been and an apparent bomb threat at Forbidden Enterprise, the traffic alone was going to be a pain in the ass -but in our favor.
It was exactly why we were able to run “late” even though it hadn’t originally been our intention. After the chaotic madness we just endured in my own building, I was coming to realize that I couldn’t stay there more if it was so easily infiltrated.
My safety had always been the priority which was why Roberto had suggested such a complex. With our connections and how “untouchable” he was, it only made sense to live in such a protected building. But it was so intriguing that with Roberto “missing” from the public eye, things were slipping when it came to security.
That was a close fucking call.
If I’d been alone, there was no way I would have stood a chance. I may be strong and think quickly in a life-or-death situation, but that was too close of an altercation that would have filled me with far more bullets than my body could handle.
The poison in those bullets had to be special. I wished we would have gotten a sample of some sort to see what it was really made of, but that clearly wasn’t happening with how intense the situation became in just a few seconds.
At least we were alive, safe, and almost back to our normal, scheduled program.
Seeing a glimpse of Dimitris’s pureblood's persona in action was intriguing. Clearly, he was a bigger jerk than Nico or even Tainted Saint, but I was coming to realize that three of my Forbidden had alter egos: Dimitris, Neo, and Saint.
That immediately had me wondering if Jayce had a dark side he hid within the shadows as well, and if so, when would I get to meet that side?
It was Monday and it already felt like it was Friday. I couldn’t wait to start the fucking weekend so I’d get a moment to breathe, but as Dimitris said, we clearly were about to make some major money moves if all of this was happening before we could even get to the damn office.
“She told you?” Dimitris’s voice was rather low and thick with sleep, as if he’d just woken up.
“Not the details. Just that she stopped time with Neo,” Viktor confessed.
“I haven’t gotten the chance to fully go through the playback,” Dimitris admitted. “But to make it short, Neo decided Willow was worthy to undertake the initiation to officialise her into the Forbidden Pack.”
“And did she pass?”
“If she didn’t, I wouldn’t have shown a glimpse of my pureblood form,” he admitted, and I could feel his fingers lightly combing through my short locks. “Didn’t think William would be a dick though.”
“You’re just a bigger dick,” Viktor noted. “You two just love pushing the other’s buttons. Don’t deny that it turns you on.”
“Hmph.” Dimitris took a bit longer to continue. “I keep trying to push him away and he just comes right back and pushes me back. Jeez.”
“If you think you can pull Willow into this mess and suddenly ditch when things get too hot, it ain’t happening,” Viktor admitted. “She’s not a quitter, and more importantly, she hates giving up on those she cares about.”
“If that’s so, what are we doing with Aurelia?”
Just the mention of my bestie made my heart drop, but I fought to keep my breathing even in hopes neither of them would notice.
Viktor took a deep inhale and let it out.
“If you want insight on what I feel regarding the Coven and how we’re gonna get Aurelia out of their clutches, I don’t have a solution,” he admitted. “Willow doesn’t want to abandon her, but don’t you think it’s a tricky situation to try to predict what the end result will be?”
“We need a sign,” Dimitris whispered mostly to himself, and I could imagine him leaning back into the seat and using his free hand to massage the bridge of his nose. “I need to know what side she’s on.”
“Her side is obvious,” Viktor commented. “You’re trying to determine, if push comes to shove, which side she would choose in the heat of the moment. If we’re in a room with both competitors, who would she join? Us or the Coven?”
“If she betrays them, she’ll lose everything,” Dimitris grumbled.