Page 87 of Wolf Awakened
When I wokeup from a non-replenishing slumber, I acknowledged two things: one, my body felt like I'd been murdered, revived, stabbed a billion times, murdered again, revived, punched in the thigh for shits and giggles, and left for dead, and two, I was in Onyx's bed.
The second acknowledgment was more obvious because my big hunk always slept on white sheets when he was sleeping in his own bed. I preferred darker colors, the common black and navy-blue options more aesthetically pleasing than the bright, clean representation of color.
I had nothing against white, but it was a little too 'pure' for my taste.
But lay a naked Onyx upon those divinely created silks and I'd be all for the holy look.
I checked the time and noticed it was five in the morning, but I was still my female self. That told me my magic was either out for the count or I'd been sleeping for more than a day and missed a dose of my medication.
Scanning the darkroom, I struggled to keep my eyes open, feeling sluggish and yet determined to make my way to the kitchen and drink some water. My throat was parched, and I could tell my headache was probably caused by dehydration.
Or lack of coffee?
Noticing the clothes on the chair in the top corner of the room, I picked up on the black sheet of paper. Onyx had left me a note.
With a sigh, I worked on getting out of bed, which took me far longer than I would have liked as my body was literally bruised up. This was far worse than the injures I'd endured in the ring. It was as if I'd purposely stood there and let someone beat the shit out of me.
The specific large bruise on my left thigh left me frowning as I lightly brushed my fingers along the spot, only to flinch at the sensitive flesh that ignited shocking signals of discomfort through me.
He had to use that shit on me. Ugh. He better not lecture me. Did I kill someone? I'm obviously not worried because either he, Viktor, or Papa Dearest would cover that shit up, but man... What the fuck happened?
My memory seemed to be struggling to come to light, leaving a big blank patch in my brain with the last memory being me in the ring watching Viktor leave. If I wasn't mentally drained, I would have fought harder to grasp the memories I'd seemed to misplace, but I could barely stand as I finally dragged my feet to the white chair.
Picking up the note, I quickly scanned it before rolling my eyes.
"Don't bother changing into William, and wear this dress because it shows those cheeky buns of yours that deserve a slap or two because of your inability to stay out of trouble. Meet me downstairs. - O.C."
"How does he even deem this romantic?" I huffed as I shook my head and picked up the simple white dress that was slightly see-through. I noticed the lingerie that accompanied it, which gave me a bit of comfort because it was opaque enough to cover my nipples.
The idea of having to wear a bra all day made me frown before I tossed the thing on the bed and only retrieved the lacy ribbon panties that matched the cute two-piece. There was a pair of white knee-high socks as well, which was kind of a cute combo with the dress.
Deciding to go with that, I headed into the washroom and took in my body in the mirror.
"Well fuck me," I cursed. "This is worse than when Onyx punishes me with ferocious sex.” Noticing the sticky note in the mirror, I walked over to it to see the note.
"You're beautiful. Bruised and all. - O.C."
Well, that's more romantic.
The sticky note actually left me smiling through the lingering aches and pains as I placed it somewhere safe to tuck into my bra later. I brushed my teeth first and inspected my discolored lip.
I must have bitten it hard enough to make me bleed, but there was no lingering blood on my lips, which told me that Onyx probably cleaned me right up last night.
Like he secretly does.
I could imagine him as a kidnapper who was concerned with his victim's hygiene. The thought reminded me of those dark times when the bulky hunk had pulled out of the De Luca pack. He’d gone wild, a sacrifice he made to join the Palo Santo pack.
No one knew that he was really connected to my father's massive pack, but he needed to do it if he wanted to separate work and play when it came to "us".
Roberto knew that and used it against him, even when we survived everything he put us through. It was his way of keeping that leash around our necks, and he knew that if I one day became a wolf, I'd be given the choice to choose which pack I belonged to versus his predicament, where he’d joined out of force.
Those times that followed as an Omega were brief, but I had been landed in a difficult situation that was painful as hell. I'd overcome the trauma and eventually forgiven Onyx for his behavior, but me and his wolf didn't get along for a good reason.
His harsh responses and hate for me were all a gimmick to hide the guilt he still carried for what he had done. For what he was desperate for and wished to claim in his wild tornado of emotions after tugging out of the pack bond with an Alpha as evil as my father.
He only experienced a glimpse of the wrongdoings Roberto De Luca had done in his lifetime, and I almost thought Onyx would be psychotic for the rest of his life. It took time, persistence, daily reminders, and a bit of love to bring him back.