Page 63 of Wolf Awakened
"Well, if they're afraid of little ole Onyx, then I don't want them." My shrug only emphasized my point. "He's not that scary."
"You know yesterday he skinned off some guy's cock because he commented that William De Luca and Dimitris Moore should be a thing?"
I paused in drinking more of my alcoholic beverage to slowly give her a look of shock.
"I'm being dead serious," she emphasized before I could mutter a word since the bartender was back with her drink. She left a tip on the table before picking up her glass and sipping the sweet liquid.
"Ah. That hits the spot." She sighed in relief. "So ya. If I were any of them, I'd stay far away from ya for the sake of keeping my hard cock in one piece."
"How's the party been for you?" I decided to change the subject.
"Good!" she squealed and literally lifted her legs to rest on my lap. My raised brow didn't make her skip a beat as she continued, "I got a hit on that new pack."
"What? You met them?"
"Sure did." She licked her lips like they were cloaked with an addictive sweetness. "Girl, they are fine, from hotness to their unique craziness. I thought I was a psycho, but believe me, they're reaching new levels of insanity that leave me wet and horny!"
"I love how you can publicly state that with no shame." I sighed while shaking my head with a small smile. "Fucked any of them yet?"
She laughed and sipped more of her drink. "Not yet. I'm making them struggle, though I'm suffering. They’re the true definition of misfits and I absolutely love it. The way they prowl the world of magic, I'm honestly surprised that they're all wolves. They have such strong associations with the coven that they're quivering!"
"They're making the coven quiver?" I inquired.
"Yup, and if everything goes smoothly, I'll be getting that promotion rather promptly because they're freaking those old hags out to the point they want someone to control them."
"Someone like you," I concluded. "You sure they’re thinking out of logic and not fear?"
She slapped my arm while giving me a scowling expression.
"They're not afraid of me!"
"Bitch, I'm afraid of you and I've known you for fucking years."
"That's a good thing!" she suggested. "It means you recognize how dangerous I am and respect my boundaries like many don't know how to do."
Her sickening smile actually made me internally shiver while I finished my drink and gestured for another one.
"Anywho!" Aurelia cheered as my next drink order arrived. "Aside from Onyx loving you up, it looks like you met the new pack."
Her eyes were practically oozing with excitement as she stared at me in eagerness.
"The trending page is still on that." I sighed. "You and I both know we won't be seeing each other again."
"Why not?" Aurelia gasped in horror. "I need you two to pose together."
"For me to be a billionaire?" she suggested. "All I need is a naked photoshoot of you two together and we'd make billions in seconds. You two would be the newest sensation in the entertainment industry!"
"Do you really believe Papa Dearest would allow something like that to happen?" I questioned. "Especially when it comes to the man who fucked up his one-billion-dollar deal."
"Oh shit." Aurelia leaned right into my personal space. "He's the one who made Roberto lose his shit? I haven't seen him that angry in years."
"When you get everything you want delivered to you thanks to fear tactics, you lose your shit when that doesn't work on the new pack on the block," I reasoned. "I have a strong belief this is only the beginning."
"Sure is," Aurelia agreed. "They wouldn't fuck up one connection and walk away. They want to make a statement where everyone will watch and learn what real competition is." Aurelia seemed beyond intrigued. "Maybe they'll come after you?"