Page 13 of Wolf Awakened
"They say when you get your first one, it becomes an addictive craving until your skin is covered in them." The twinkle in his eyes was a little sickening, all because I knew how true his words were.
I was tempted to get another of my own, but I forced myself to keep just one for now. The more tattoos I got, the harder it would be to keep a "clean" image in my male persona.
"Just admit you're addicted to the pain," I concluded.
"Addicted? Having a bit of an obsession isn't worthy of such a degrading term," he reasoned. "I'm obsessed with either pissing you off or fucking you, but I don't call you an addiction."
"You don't to my face," I quietly stated. "Aurelia recorded you insulting me."
He sighed dramatically, like he'd just lost some sort of bet.
"I knew that crazy bitch wouldn't keep her mouth shut."
I smirked and looked into those black orbs that matched his unique name. They always drew me right in like a moth to a flame. He lowered enough to let me go on my tiptoes and deliver a burning kiss, one passionate enough for him to take the bait and hook his arms around my bitty waist.
My body pressed against his, noticing the huge difference of his burning hot flesh versus my calm, cool skin, and was left tingling as I meshed into his hold. I let the kiss drag on a little longer before I bit his lip hard and punched him in the side.
He yelped like a puppy before he noticed the blade was at his throat. He actually laughed at my deadly gaze before he put his hands behind his head.
"Alright, alright, I apologize. Aurelia isn't a crazy bitch," he pleaded sarcastically.
Yup. This fucker knows me well.
Throw insults at me all you want, but don't fuck with my best friends.
Sadly, that also included him, this bulky mass of a fucker.
I only pulled back my blade because I knew he wouldn't actually give a good enough apology for my standards and I was getting tired of standing here naked.
"Just know you deserved it," he continued on with his reasoning.
"When do I not deserve to be insulted by you? We're rivals for a reason, Teddy Bear Fucker."
"Now, now. We get along just dandy in bed," he offered.
"In bed, I get to make you crumble with the mere sight of my body with a bit of whipped cream to appetize you. All other instances, you're just a pain in my ass."
"If I was truly a pain in the ass, we'd be matched up together in the ring."
I actually laughed. "Bullshit. You told Boss to never match us together or you'd destroy this whole damn place and steal all his investments and place them in your Scotland bank so he can't do shit legally," I reminded and added, "As if that's the only thing you'd do."
He shrugged and took a step back to give us more space so he could respond with his head and not his cock, which was tempting me to lick my lips and take him all in.
"We're the reason he's a billionaire and has some sort of status in our community. If not for us, he'd be homeless or better yet, dead. We're the bread and butter he needs so he’s got no choice but to play along with our rules, which include never setting us together in the ring."
"Why?" I prompted while twirling the blade in my hand like it was a mere pencil. "Afraid I'll fuck your balls?"
"I'd gladly let you fuck me, Sugar," he teased before his eyes darkened, "My wolf, however, doesn't have the same level of patience as I. A challenge is a challenge and I expect to win every single one. Including when it's against you."
He wasn't lying. A glint of silver began to flood those jewels that stared at me like a predator. Many quivered when they got a mere glimpse of Onyx’s wolf in a conversation, but I merely smirked while my pussy clenched.
I'm so weird. Turned on by my best friend who'd been a dick until this year but still grinds my gears any chance he gets.
"Your wolf likes me," I tossed out in a playful manner.
"Tolerates you," he reminded, his voice deeper and filled with intimidation. "Don't push me, Willow."
"Now, now. Don't go using my real name with that controlling tone of yours." I did the exact opposite of what he asked of me and took a step closer so our bodies were now pressed against one another. "You can be all dominating and shit when we're outside, but you're in my territory now, so play nice."