Page 65 of Second (Betrothed 6)
I never allowed myself to think that far.
“I can’t promise you marriage and kids, but I can promise you that I’m committed to us, that I want to be with you in any capacity. Don’t pick him just because he’s the easy choice. You’re better than that.”
“That’s not why,” I whispered. “You don’t understand what marriage is. If you sleep with married women, then you obviously have no respect for the institution. It’s a promise, a lifelong commitment, and I already made it. This isn’t some random guy. This is a man I was already married to, whom I have a history with, and despite what he did, I still respect him and love him. I can’t do that to him… I just can’t. You need to respect my decision. I know you’re used to getting whatever you want, but not this time.”
He released a sigh so big, his nostrils flared. He massaged his knuckles and bowed his head, processing the rage that coursed through his veins. “I would respect your decision…if we weren’t so fucking in love with each other.” He raised his head again and looked at me with fury in his eyes. “That’s the problem, Annabella. You love me in a way you don’t love him anymore. And I love you in a way I’ve never loved anyone before. Why don’t you understand that?”
My eyes started to water. “I do understand that…more than you know.”
His eyes filled with sadness.
“You really should go. Nothing will change my mind.”
He didn’t rise from his seat. “I want to tell you something.”
I ran my fingers through my hair and glanced at my phone, relieved that Liam hadn’t texted or called.
“Remember the night I told you Hades and Sofia were soul mates?”
“Yes…on the balcony.” As if I could ever forget.
“You asked me how I knew that…so I’m going to tell you. This story is ludicrous and unbelievable. Anyone else would think I’m batshit crazy, that I made up this story just for attention. But I know you’ll believe me.”
Now that he had my full attention, I listened.
“Hades and I went to Marrakech for his twenty-first birthday. We met a gypsy there who read our fortunes. The woman said Hades would only love one woman all his life…but she would never love him back. It was punishment for the crimes he committed…for killing his father. We both thought it was horseshit. But every prophecy she made came true, and when Hades met Sofia and fell in love with her on the spot, he knew it was real.”
“If that’s the case, how does she love him now?”
“Because he had to break the curse…which he did.”
This did sound like a fable, a story parents told their children at bedtime.
“It took him a long time. He suffered a lot to make it happen. But he did it because…the gypsy said she was his soul mate.”
It was one hell of a story, and I was paralyzed by the tale.
“Do you believe me?”
Normally, I wouldn’t. But if two powerful men like Damien and Hades believed it, it was compelling. Drug lords and criminal bankers didn’t believe in bullshit like that…unless they lived it. “What does it matter if I believe you or not?”
“Because the gypsy read my fortune too…and I want to share it with you.”
Now my heart sank as a shadow of fear crept over me. It was a curve ball I didn’t expect.
His green eyes shone with sincerity, as if this was the most serious conversation he’d ever had. “Annabella, do you believe me?”
“I trust you,” I whispered, the words coming out of my mouth all on their own. “So, yes…” I got lost in those green eyes, fell so deep into our connection that I would believe anything he said.
He didn’t say anything for a moment, but the affection in his gaze showed how much that meant to him, that my unconditional trust was everything to him. “She told me only one woman would love me for me, that she wouldn’t care about my wealth or power, but I would lose her…and she would be gone for good.” He rubbed his palms together. “I think she was talking about you…”
If that was the case, then there was no hope for us, ever. And that disappointed me…even though I’d made it clear that I intended to be with Liam for the rest of my life. It was terrifying to think that this was meant to happen, that we’d never had a chance to be together anyway. “Then we need to move on.”
“Hades broke his curse. Why can’t I break mine?”
“But is it really a curse? Did she say that?”
“No, but it seems that way.”
“No. It seems like you took me for granted, and now you’re suffering the consequences.” I shouldn’t be petty right now, but I was resentful that he took so long to fight for me, that he waited until I was married to another man.