Page 51 of Second (Betrothed 6)
I couldn’t let that happen.
I moved into a different hallway and made the call.
She answered almost immediately. “Damien?” I never called her, so she knew this was unusual. She also knew I was probably with Liam right now, so there was concern in her voice, as if she was anticipating something terrible had happened. “What’s wrong?”
I hadn’t even said a word, and she could read my mood. “Liam finished his fight. But then another fighter provoked him. In ten minutes, he’s going back into the ring—but this time for a death match.”
She was speechless.
“I tried to talk him out of it, but he won’t listen. The only way he’s gonna stop—”
“I’m on my way.”
I stood outside and checked my watch. I asked them to put him as the second match just to buy us some time, but even then, it was cutting it close. She had to drive across the city and get here first.
Her Bugatti rounded the corner, and she sped to where I stood, slamming on the brakes and skidding until she burned rubber. The car came to a halt and she jumped out, leaving the expensive Bugatti right at the curb.
She ran to me.
I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the private entryway. We were in the casino immediately, running past the men at the tables and the topless waitresses. We had to slow down to take the elevator, and that took nearly a full minute.
She stood beside me, breathing hard and visibly anxious. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and she rubbed herself like she was cold. She turned one way then another, as if she couldn’t stand still.
I stared at her, knowing I’d made the right decision.
The doors opened, and the sound of a fight reached our ears.
“God, we’re too late,” she yelled.
“No.” The buzzer went off when one of the fighters collapsed, his skull caved in. “But Liam is next.” I grabbed her hand again and pulled her through the crowd, keeping the assholes off her until I made it to the other side of the room. I took the stairs first and saw Liam pacing with Hades beside him.
I stepped aside so Annabella could get through.
Annabella walked up to him, her ferocity so much stronger than his. “What the fuck are you doing?”
He froze at the sound of her voice. He looked up and saw her, shocked that she was there at all. His body was still pumped with adrenaline, so his muscles were thick and ready to create bone-cracking force. “Anna—”
“You told me you wouldn’t do this, and the second I turn my back—”
He came close to her and lowered his voice. “That’s not how it happened, okay? Keep it down. Otherwise, you’ll embarrass me.”
“Oh, I’ll embarrass you?” she hissed.
Hades turned to me, and the look he gave me was terrifying.
I ignored him and turned back to Annabella.
Liam flared his nostrils and sighed. “I’ve committed to this. I’ll be—”
“You committed to this.” She raised her left hand where her ring was. “I gave you a choice, and now you’re going back on your decision.” She grabbed her ring and pulled it off. “So, I’m going back on mine.” She prepared to throw it on the floor, where it would probably get kicked away and disappear in the cracks.
He grabbed her with lightning speed, his entire hand covering hers so the ring was safe in his grasp. He still looked livid, like he was the one who had the right to be angry. “Fine.” He opened her hand and retrieved the ring before he shoved it back on her left hand. “Fine.” He finally let her go, breathing hard like he wanted to scream.
Her anger disappeared. Her eyes filled with sadness, and she looked at him like he’d still betrayed her. “You may as well fight, Liam. Because I don’t think our marriage will survive this anyway…”
His anger was erased by her words. Now his eyes fell in despair, and all the muscles in his body relaxed. His lungs deflated as life had left his veins. He was impossible to understand, because he clearly loved her…he just couldn’t control himself.
She turned around and walked off.
I waited for him to go after her. Because if he didn’t, I would.
He made the right decision. “Cancel it.” He gave the order without looking at either of us, and then he took off.
I could feel Hades staring at me, feel the vibration of his glare like an avalanche about to crash down. Instead of being too angry to speak, he turned away and walked to the ring announcer to fix the mess I’d just made.
I took off in my Bugatti and left him standing at the curb in nothing but his shorts. I sped through the streets with the music off, furious about what had just happened. The second I wasn’t there to keep him in line, he snuck around behind my back.