Page 47 of Second (Betrothed 6)
“He’s married to Crow’s daughter?” Hades asked. “That’s pretty unbelievable.”
“I don’t understand why Conway kept it a secret,” Damien replied. “He could have just told me.”
“It’s probably to protect his family,” Hades said. “The country’s best assassin mixed his blood with Barsetti blood? Someone could use that against them. Conway was being loyal by protecting his sister.”
“I guess.”
“If Bones said it was out of the question, what are you going to do?”
Damien never answered the question because his eyes settled on me, and it was as if nothing else mattered. He took me in without blinking, looking into my eyes as if he were searching for something only he could see. He continued walking until he was right in front of me, his hands in his pockets.
I assumed they were discussing the thing Damien had mentioned to me the other night, that Charlotte got him a meeting with someone in exchange for bringing her to dinner with us. I didn’t get the feeling he was going to say anything, so I spoke. “Hey.”
He responded. “Hey.” It didn’t seem like he’d expected to see me even though my office was just a few feet away. He probably assumed I declined the lunch invitation because I couldn’t stand to be in the same room as him.
Hades wrapped his arms around Sofia and kissed her, oblivious to the two of us. His hand moved to her stomach, and they shared a few quiet whispers, a pair of lovers who had a connection only they got to enjoy.
Damien kept his eyes on me and didn’t even greet Sofia. “Joining us?”
I nodded. “Forgot my lunch today.”
“I’m sure whatever we’re having is better than the leftover pizza you brought,” he teased.
“I haven’t had pizza since…” I let the words trail off and disappear into the air. Liam was committed to a healthy diet to stay in shape, so we always cooked all our meals. I noticed I’d dropped the pounds I’d gained living alone very quickly. Now I fit into my old clothes without issue.
Damien knew what I was going to say, and for just an instant, his gaze dropped. “Then let’s go to a pizzeria. I know it’s your favorite.”
“I shouldn’t eat that, but I can’t resist.”
Damien turned to Hades and Sofia when they broke apart. “Pizza okay?”
“I’m not eating that garbage,” Hades said.
“Ooh…pizza sounds good.” Now Sofia rubbed her stomach like she was hungry.
Hades changed his tune immediately. “Alright, pizza it is.” He took his wife by the hand and guided her down the hallway.
I watched them go, unable to resist their cuteness. “He’s a pushover, isn’t he?”
Damien started to walk with me. “The biggest one I’ve ever met.”
We left the hotel and walked to the restaurant. It was still cold outside, but not as freezing as it used to be. “So, did you get that meeting you wanted?”
He was close to my side as he walked beside me, his hands in the pockets of his suit. “Yes.”
“And how did that go?”
“Not the way I wanted, unfortunately.”
I didn’t ask specifics because I knew he would tell me on his own.
“I tried to hire the best hit man to take care of my problem. He said no…so I asked for a favor to get into a room with him. That conversation went nowhere…and he still said no. So, I have to find another solution.”
“Why don’t you kill the guy yourself?”
“Because I’d have to deal with all his cronies afterward. If it remains anonymous, they won’t be able to identify the culprit. If I make the wrong move, he’ll go after my father again…my sister…maybe even Hades. It’s just too risky.”
“I’m surprised Charlotte has those connections.”
“She doesn’t,” he said, tensing at the mention of her name. “Her boss knows the hit man. She brought me to dinner with him.”
That was why she wanted to come to dinner with us. It made sense. “Now what?”
He shrugged. “Not sure. Hades and I used to be at the top of the food chain, but our enemies are growing stronger. Our last foe nearly destroyed us, and the Skull King is more complicated. He has his hands in every aspect of the city…it’s frustrating.”
I wondered if Liam had a similar relationship to him. “I could ask Liam to help you…”
He turned to me, surprised. “What do you mean?”
“I’m not sure what business Liam has with him, but I know they have a relationship.”
“Probably collects his royalties from fighting.”
Liam didn’t share the details with me. “If Liam does something, the Skull King will never see him coming. Just an idea…”
Damien considered it for a long time, staring at me until he faced forward again. “No. But thank you for the offer.” His jawline was covered with a thick shadow, but the sharpness of his jaw was still impressive. Cords of veins ran up his neck, and his handsome face was beautiful at this angle.