Page 36 of Second (Betrothed 6)
“It was wrong for me to accuse you of anything…and I’m sorry for that too.”
“I understand.”
“I guess I’m just jealous. I have you back, but I still feel like I’m sharing you with this other guy. Not physically, but emotionally. I know it’s all my fault because that never would have happened if I hadn’t…fucked up my life. The only reason you’re mine is because he didn’t love you, and I’m afraid he’ll realize his mistake, realize what he lost, and he’ll change his mind…and I’ll lose you again.”
“You don’t have to worry about that, Liam.” Damien’s feelings were clear, and we’d moved on from our past. Now, we were friends, and that’s all we would ever be. “Even if that did happen, I wouldn’t leave you for him.”
He lifted his gaze to look at me. “Why?”
“Because I made a promise to you…and I keep my promises.”
Hades knocked on my open door. “Coming tonight?”
I stood at my desk and read the portfolio my assistant had placed in front of me. “Wouldn’t miss it.” I closed it and tossed it aside.
“Bringing your lady friend?”
“No.” Charlotte had texted me a few times when I was with Annabella, and I didn’t lie about my whereabouts. I told her I was comforting a friend, but I never said that friend was a woman…or someone I’d already slept with. I didn’t feel like I needed to explain anything to her, even if she was sleeping in my bed and woke up to discover my absence. She seemed to grow suspicious about the incident, but her response wasn’t to question me. Instead, she was more affectionate with me, slipping into my bed every night so I wouldn’t have time to be with someone else. She was digging her claws into me deep so I couldn’t get away.
“Because you can bring her if you want. You’ve been seeing her awhile.”
“I’m not seeing her.”
“Whatever,” he said. “Offer is on the table.”
“Thanks.” When he didn’t walk away, I lifted my gaze to meet his again. “Yeah?”
“What happened with Anna the other night?”
I never told him, and when he didn’t ask, I assumed he forgot. Turned out, he was waiting for me to make the first move. He was probably pushing Charlotte so I would forget about Annabella for good. “We watched Scarface.”
He cocked an eyebrow. “You watched our favorite movie with someone else?”
“It was on TV, so I just left it on. Don’t get jealous.”
“I’m not jealous,” he said defensively. “Just surprised you’d watch that with her.”
“Well, she slept through half of it, so she didn’t watch much.” I’d teased her about it, but in reality, I knew exactly when she fell asleep…and had decided to watch her instead of the film. “And then I left.”
“That’s it?” he asked, not easily convinced.
“You think I went over there and fucked her, then took off?” I asked incredulously. “We’re just friends now. If you and Sofia had a fight and you were an ass to her, I’d do the same thing with her. I watched like twenty movies with her when I was bedridden.”
His suspicion disappeared. “Alright. Anna will be there too.”
Did that mean I’d have to see Liam’s stupid fucking face?
He answered my question. “I don’t think he’s coming.”
“So, what happened between Liam and Anna? Did you successfully sabotage our business plan?” His voice dripped with annoyance.
I was glad Liam took my advice and asked her, because even though she was pissed at him, it would have been a million times worse if he’d done it behind her back. That would hurt her so much more. Liam didn’t handle greed well, and when he had an opportunity to be the biggest and baddest fighter in the game, he lost sight of the prize he already had. His wife. I knew he loved her… but I had to steer him in the right direction. When I saw the way he ignored every woman in the room at the bar, even though there was no way for Annabella to know about it, I knew he wasn’t the jerk I thought he was. “She was upset Liam wanted to return to death fighting. But I’m sure they worked it out.”
“And we lost a great revenue stream,” he said bitterly. “Good job.”
I grew frustrated with his resentment. “Asshole, Anna is friends with Sofia. She works for your company. She’s important to your best friend. Instead of seeing her as some insignificant victim, you should see her for what she is—a friend. You should be loyal to her too.”
His anger flared. “I’m loyal to very few people, Damien. You know that better than anyone. I didn’t ask for this woman to be in my life. The only reason she’s here is because you asked Sofia to give her a job—”
“Sofia offered. I never asked. And what does it matter? She’s in our lives now. Who cares how she got there?”