Page 22 of Mouthful of Sin (Forbidden Fantasies 61)
Luke’s eyebrows raise but he remains admirably calm.
“I think you’re fine,” he says. “I don’t believe there’s any liability for that, and if Foley’s lawyer knows what he’s doing, then he’ll stop his client from pursuing any action on these claims.”
I nod, relieved.
“Thank goodness,” I whisper. “I was actually scared there for a minute.”
Luke gets up then, reaching out to shake Caleb’s hand.
“Well, Mr. Select, that was a crazy confrontation but I’m glad we did it because we were able to use the opportunity to discern your adversary’s true concerns. And suffice to say, I don’t think there will be much more to this case. His claims are pure folly, for that matter.”
“Good,” Caleb growls, shaking the lawyer’s hand. “Then I’ll wait to hear from you. Thanks for your hard work, Luke.”
With that, my boyfriend steers me out of the office, and back to where our car is parked. When we get in, we both sit there stunned for a moment.
“Did that really happen?” I murmur, still in disbelief. “Did we see that with our own eyes?”
Caleb grimaces and puts the car in reverse.
“Unfortunately so, baby girl. But it doesn’t matter because Foley’s a fucking loser, and now we know that everything he says is total horse-shit. I’m sorry you had to experience that, but it’s good that we got it over and done with because that was just insane. You’re feeling better now, right?” he asks, pulling the car out of the garage. “You know Foley can’t touch you anymore. Not that he ever could,” my boyfriend adds.
“I am feeling better,” I acknowledge in a soft voice. “But wow, that was crazy.”
Caleb takes my hand in his big one while starting the drive home.
“It was crazy, but I’m glad I went through it with you, sweetheart. You stayed strong the entire time, and you know what? I’m super-glad you were with me every time at Valley Cryo because otherwise, my DNA would be in the hands of a lunatic.” Caleb shudders. “I don’t even want to know what I’d do in that situation.”
I shiver as well, a chill creeping down my spine.
“I know, scary right?” With that, we lapse into silence because we just averted total disaster. Things didn’t work out the way we thought they would because they worked out even better. But still, how insane was that situation? Reading my mind, Caleb squeezes my knee, providing comfort for the rest of the drive.
* * *
Neither of us speak during the ride back to my penthouse. I can’t believe what just happened because the audacity of John Foley was mind-boggling. Where does he get off saying shit like that? Even more, how does someone start getting so twisted? It was fucking unbelievable. Honestly, if we’d stayed a moment longer, I might have just leapt across the table and put hands on the older man, lawsuit be damned. It would be worth it to spill some blood on his expensive suit.
But finally, we’re back at my penthouse and Addy immediately drops on the couch, looking out of breath.
“You okay?” I ask, depositing my keys in the bowl by the door.
Her eyes are still wide, and her skin pale.
“That was crazy,” she finally manages. “I didn’t expect any of that, and it’s clear I don’t have a job at Valley Cryo anymore.”
I shoot her a lopsided grin.
“But that’s good, right?”
She nods.
“Very good because it was just insane what happened. I can’t work for a man like that.”
I nod.
“Agreed. We’ll find a place for you elsewhere. You could always come onboard at BikeWorks, or hell, sweetheart, just take some time and focus on your ceramics. You could move in here, and you know I have more than enough money to take care of you.”
Addy looks down, biting her lip, and with consternation, I see that there are tears in her eyes.
“What is it, sweetheart?” I say with utter confusion. “Did I say something wrong?”
She shakes her head.
“No, it’s just that … well, I know I’m beating a dead horse, but Foley was right about the disparity between us. We both know you’re insanely accomplished, and can get any woman in the world. I mean, you just offered me a job, plus housing, not to mention a life of leisure. Meanwhile, I’m just me. No job. No college degree, and nothing really to recommend me. I don’t know, it just feels unbalanced somehow.”
I take a seat next to the curvy girl and take her small hand in mine, enveloping her with my warmth.
“No baby, we already talked about this. I don’t care about our differences, and you said you didn’t, either.”
Addy swallows hard.
“I guess it’s just hard not to sometimes because our differences are so vast. This isn’t exactly like with like, right?”
I merely lean in and kiss her tenderly, savoring her plush lips with my own. “It doesn’t matter. I don’t want a clone of myself because that would be boring, not to mention a little weird. Besides, I love you, Addy, and it doesn’t matter how little money you have or that you don’t have a degree. What matters is that we’re good together, and that you make me laugh.”