Page 20 of Mouthful of Sin (Forbidden Fantasies 61)
“And unhinged,” Caleb growls.
“And unhinged,” Luke agrees.
We take seats on one side of the table, and Caleb and Luke begin speaking, but I’m too dazed to hear any of it. A few minutes later, there’s a knock on the door, and a secretary escorts John Foley and his lawyer inside. Foley is as sleek as a wet seal with his grey hair gelled back and a predatory look in those flinty blue eyes.
“Oh, good, the people stealing from me are here,” he says in a snide tone.
Caleb begins to stand in anger, but Luke puts a hand on his arm.
“Do you need me to tell you to keep your client in check?” Luke says angrily to the other lawyer. The portly man merely shrugs.
“My client is a powerful man and wants to say what he wants to say.”
“Caleb please,” I entreat in a low voice. “Just sit down for now.”
My boyfriend reluctantly takes a seat, still shooting daggers at Foley. Then, the meeting starts.
“My name is Samuel Grissom, and I represent Mr. Foley. As you know,” the other lawyer intones, “we’re here because your clients stole valuable assets from my client.”
“We didn’t steal anything!” Caleb interjects. That sets Foley off.
“You stole everything!” the older man screams. “I could’ve had the semen of a billionaire, but you decided to give it to this little tramp instead. You fucking liars! That shit belongs to me!”
“Mr. Foley, please, we’re trying to handle this in a civil manner,” his attorney entreats in a pleading voice. “No outbursts.”
My boss turns bright red. “Civil? We’re well past civil! These two talked to me like they did nothing wrong yesterday, when the whole time they were swindling me out of valuable product. Do you know how much money a billionaire’s sperm would be worth? People would be begging me for it! Shit, I have half a mind to use it myself when I have children.”
Caleb and I stare at each other because there could be nothing worse in the world. Caleb’s biological children raised by this sociopath? Hell no.
But Grissom is still trying to calm his client.
“Maybe we should step outside and talk about this, John. We agreed on how this would go and you’re flying off the handle right now.”
But Foley’s on a roll and waves his lawyer off, not even bothering to look in that direction. “Shut up, Samuel. You’re only here because who comes to a negotiation without their lawyer? But fuck it! You’re worse than a wet rag because I am owed millions, if not billions, of dollars by this man. I want to use that semen to conceive super-kids, and some of them will be my own children. So yeah, the damages here are so vast as to be unquantifiable. I have been deprived of my children because of their actions,” he spits.
I’m tempted to scream because this negotiation has taken a turn for the crazy, but Hayes shakes his head. If anything, John Foley’s vehement outburst is likely helping our case. He’s coming off like an insane asylum escapee, and I suppose that’s good.
I force myself to stay mum, folding my hands in my lap even if they’re trembling. The pit of my stomach is buzzing but actually, I’m feeling much better now that I see Caleb was right. This guy is cuckoo. He’s a money-hungry idiot who likely just concocted this scheme to get at my boyfriend. Even more, I know that Caleb’s days of donating sperm are done because there’s no way he would let his child be raised by someone like this.
“Mr. Foley, we invited you here in good conscience,” Luke begins, his voice calm and cool. “Please take a few breaths so that we can discuss this like adults.”
“Adults? Are you fucking kidding me? What kind of adults sneak into donation rooms and never actually come out with anything? You know there’s video, right? Of Adelaide entering the exam room with this fucker and then not exiting for twenty minutes? They were using my business as some kind of brothel and it fucking disgusts me.”
By now, I’ve seen the humor in this situation, and I let out a half-cough, half-laugh while my boyfriend shoots me a warning look. It’s clear that John Foley has lost his mind, and this man isn’t CEO material in the slightest. I wouldn’t be surprised if the board of Valley Cryo forces him out sooner rather than later when they get a whiff of this.
But the older man turns on me then, staring at me with anger in those glittering blue eyes.
“You are nothing but a disgusting tramp,” he spits. Then, he turns his vile demeanor to Caleb and hisses, “You’re with this girl? What are you, an idiot? You could be dating swimsuit models, but instead you’re with a fat receptionist who sucks dick for a living. Come on. No one sucks dick that good.”