Page 2 of Mouthful of Sin (Forbidden Fantasies 61)
Another lull comes, and I lean back in my designated chair while Freya files her nails.
“Do you think these guys eat well, knowing that they’re about to donate? Like lots of fruits and vegetables?” she asks in an idle tone.
I think for a moment.
“Probably not?” I reply. “I mean, no one’s going to taste it, and that’s why you’d eat healthy beforehand.”
She giggles, eyes dancing.
“OMG, we’re so bad. But you know what? I wouldn’t mind a taste of those specimens,” she whispers. “I mean that guy with the Euphoria hoodie who just came in was H-O-T!”
“Freya!” I squeal, slapping the desk. “You can’t say things like that, and besides, Euphoria is about kids in high school. What are you even doing, watching a show like that?”
She shrugs and smiles.
“I’m just saying, your girl is in a dry spell, and I wouldn’t mind seeing what goes on behind closed doors. I could help them out. Besides, Euphoria is must-see TV, girl,” she says in a low voice. “OMG, Jacob Elordi is so handsome and Zendaya deserves every acting award on Earth.”
I pin her with a look.
“Jacob Elordi is probably a thirty-five year old actor pretending to be a high school boy.”
Freya just sniffs.
“It’s called acting, girlfriend, acting. Hey, you know all the actors on Beverly Hills 90210 were middle-aged people too.”
I squeal.
“You watch that show? Isn’t it from the 90’s?”
Freya just grins.
“It’s the beauty of Netflix. Everything’s on demand these days. Including sperm samples.”
We erupt in a fit of giggles because my friend’s right. These days you just place an order, and it’s delivered straight to your door. Of course, babies aren’t exactly delivered like that, but still, working at Valley Cryo has given us incredible insight into human nature because you’d be surprised at how some hopeful parents behave. It’s not only that they want to choose the eye color or height of their baby – they’d also like to choose their baby’s IQ, its personality, and sense of humor too. It’s totally bonkers, I tell you, and I try not to get involved in the fertility side of Valley Cryo’s business. Collecting sperm specimens is enough for me, thank you very much.
After our giggles subside a bit, I glance up at the old clock on the wall and yawn. “I’m going on lunch soon. Do you want me to pick something up for you?”
Freya shakes her head. “I brought myself a sandwich and chips to eat on break today. Look at me, being a real adult and packing brown bag lunches.”
I laugh. “You’re doing better than me because I’m definitely hitting up that new green vegan place. Not that I’m vegan,” I say quickly. “I just want to try it because it’s new.”
Frey shakes her head.
“I couldn’t afford it. I don’t get why vegan shops are so expensive when they don’t serve meat, but who knows? Maybe it’s the price of quinoa.”
“I don’t know either, but it’s worth a try. Besides, your girl has gotta eat otherwise I’ll be starving like a hungry hellcat.”
We start giggling again because we both like to devour food, to tell the truth. Freya and I have similar builds, with big boobs, big behinds, and narrow waists. They call it the Kim Kardashian hourglass, but I’m packing more than that. I’ve got serious junk in the trunk and that’s how I like it.
After devouring a healthy lunch consisting of an avocado sandwich, a side of hummus with chips, and a Green Goddess smoothie, I’m back at reception.
“Was it good?” Freya asks, looking at my green shake askance. I make a face.
“Not really,” I sigh. “I just want a Chick-Fil-A burger now.”
She giggles, and the two of us start gossiping about who knows what all over again when the bell over the door dingles. I glance up reflexively, expecting it to be another nerd, but my heart stops because our new client is gorgeous. He’s got dark hair, blue eyes, and the chiseled features of a movie star. Not only that, but he’s tall and broad, with a physique that speaks to hours in the gym. I go hot, and then cold, suddenly unable to speak. Fortunately, Freya’s there to save me.
“Good afternoon!” she pipes in a far-too-cheery voice. “Welcome to Valley Cryo. Do you have an appointment with us today?”
The handsome man growls.
“Yes, Caleb Select for a 1:30 appointment. I know I’m a little early.”
“Early is good!” Freya says, going over the top with her perkiness. “We have some forms for you to fill out.”
But when she makes to pass him a clipboard, he holds up his hands up and grins, flashing a bright white smile. “Actually, I already did all that online.”
Freya beams because her favorite thing is when clients come in fully papered up. Seriously, it makes her day.
“Well, isn’t that just wonderful. You’re ahead of the game, Mr. Select. Just take a seat, and we’ll be right with you.”