Page 74 of Losers, Part I
It didn’t take long to realize that Vincent’s musical knowledge went significantly deeper than mine. But he wasn’t restricted to one genre. His playlist changed wildly as we drove, from screaming metal to melodic electronic and classical orchestra.
“I’ll make you a playlist,” he finally insisted. “We’ll start with more approachable shit and then work our way deeper.”
For as long as I’d known Vincent, he’d always managed toput other people at ease and now was no different. We drove through town with the windows down, and I dangled my arm out in the breeze.
I’d known him longer than the other boys. I’d met him in first grade, ifhe threw dirt at mecould qualify as a “meeting.” He’d gotten quieter as he got older, going from the loud class clown in elementary school to an extremely introverted kid in middle school.
But in high school, he was known as the guy who always had drugs to sell. Marijuana, prescription drugs, Molly — unless people were looking for really hard shit, Vincent was their guy. Even if they thought he was a freak, a Satanist, or whatever else people whispered behind his back, he was simply hard to hate.
“Your car looks…better,” I said, carefully broaching the subject.
“Jason and I took care of that over the weekend. Got the windows replaced and the dents repaired. We still need to do something about the paint, but I might hold off on getting mine touched up.” He chuckled softly. “With the way I drive, my paint doesn’t stay in good shape for long anyway.”
“Is that your way of telling me you’re the worst driver in the house?” I teased. “Should I strap in a little tighter?”
“I said my driving was rough, not bad.” He shot me a sly smile and reached across, his hand sliding along my leg to tightly grip my thigh. The touch of his fingers was like dropping a lit match on kerosene. “Before I take you home today, I’ll show you. We’ll take the long way home.”
“Dirt roads? In this car?” I looked at him skeptically.
“You’ll see,” he said. “Not all fast cars are built to stay on asphalt.”
“What are we doing today anyway?” I said, trying not to let my flaming arousal affect my voice. The effect these men had on me wasn’t fair. “And why did Lucas send you as my chaperone?”
“Because I’m the only man for the job, obviously,” he said. “Mr.Grumpy Face wants to give Jason a thank-you for helping out, and I happen to know exactly what Jason likes.”
I burst out laughing. “Mr. Grumpy Face? Oh my God, I’m calling him that next time I see him.”
“Please do, I’ll be right there to watch him spank you for it.”
We pulled into a parking lot, apparently having reached our destination. I narrowed my eyes at the buildings nearby as Vincent parked, trying to figure out where we were headed.
“Wait a minute…is that Satin Novelties? There’s a sex shop in Wickeston now?” I stared at the shop in disbelief. The windows were covered with black paper, and the door had a big red sign on it that read,No One Under 18 Permitted Entry.
“Yep, they replaced the old tire shop when it went out of business,” he said, taking his keys from the ignition as he opened his door. “Pretty sure there were protests when the place opened up. It really got some panties in a twist around here.”
We met at the back end of the car. We couldn’t have looked more like polar opposites — his tie-dye and long hair in comparison to my carefully preened ponytail, heels, and a white blouse. I hadn’t been sure what to wear, but my rule was always to overdress, just in case.
To judge from the way his eyes were roaming over me, he liked what I’d chosen. I couldn’t see his eyes beneath those sunglasses, but I noticed as he licked his lips and subtly adjusted himself.
He held out his hand, nodding toward the shop. “Shall we, fucktoy?”
Satin Novelties made me feel like a kid in a candy store. Sure, everything was online now and I could easily order whatever items I wanted to be delivered, but there was something so enjoyable about wandering around the physical shelves, stumbling upon an unexpected item and letting your imagination run wild. Especially when I had the source of so much inspiration right in front of me; her hand in mine.
I led Jess inside, the bell on the door jingling as we entered. Almost instantly, a hand shot up from the front of the store, near the register.
“Welcome in!” a cheerful voice called. “My name is Julia. Let me know if you need any help!”
“Wow, that’s a lot of enthusiasm,” Jess said softly, and I smiled to myself as we wound between the shelves of lube and erotic novels toward the front counter. A young woman with long bright red hair was sitting behind the register on a stool, a wide smile spreading across her face when we walked into view.
“Who let this clown in here?” she said. She hopped off her stool, coming to rest her elbows on the counter. “Oooh, but you brought a cutie along with you! Did he kidnap you? Blink twice if you need help.”
“I mean, it wasn’texactlya kidnapping,” Jess said, glancing over at me mischievously as she played along. “I got in the car willingly.”
“Well, considering this weirdo hasn’t tied you up yet, you’re in a better spot than most victims that end up in his deathtrap of a car.” She held out her hand, and Jess took it with a smile. “I’m Julia, by the way. You must be Jessica. Lucas mentioned you’d be coming by.”