Page 33 of Losers, Part I
Danielle and Candace were conversing among themselves, and for once, I was glad I couldn’t hear what they were saying.
I could feel it from all sides, pricking my skin like sharp fingernails. Judgment. Disapproval. Suspicion.
I didn’t belong.
Suddenly, Alex hurled his empty glass bottle against a tree, the sound of shattering glass making me jump.
“God fucking damn them!” he yelled, his voice hitting that ragged volume of sheer unbridled fury. “It didn’t use to be like this, man. Those motherfuckers used to know their place.”
Nate and Matthew nodded in agreement, their faces set hard as stone.
“We never had problems like this until they started showing up either,” Danielle said. She looked at Candace, gasping, “Who whips out a gun like that?”
“That’s what happens when people start feeling sorry for them,” Veronica said, as if the real problem here was nothing more than misplaced empathy. “They’ve always been trashy. Kathryn Peters paid for Manson’s therapy out of her own pocket, you know. Didn’t even do any good. He’s still carrying that knife around like he’s waiting for the opportunity to stab someone.”
“He’s never stabbed anyone,” I said.
Alex whirled around, jabbing his finger at me. “Why the hell are you still here? Why didn’t you bail with your little boyfriends?” His lip curled in disgust. “Or did they not want you either?”
I clenched my fists, glaring at him from my seat.
“You need to learn to fucking control yourself, Alex,” I snapped. “Youdid this!” I pointed to his car, my voice rising.“This isyourfault! People could have gotten seriously hurt. But you couldn’t handle losing so instead you’re throwing a tantrum like a baby!”
“As if you’re one to talk,” he said. “You just can’t resist making yourself the center of attention, can you? Always so eager to throw yourself into the middle of shit that doesn’t even involve you.”
He wanted a reaction out of me, and more furious words were rising in my throat. It would feel so good to go off on him, to scream and rage for what he’d done. But I had no safe way to get home, I was stuck here with them.
When I told Jason I didn’t need saving, I had been so wrong.
But to my surprise, Danielle spoke up.
“Calm down, Alex,” she said, her tone bored. “Jess was only having a little fun with them. She’s notwith them.” She glanced over at me, but the look she gave me was strange. “She’s on our side.”
I didn’t know if I was being assured or warned.
“I need water,” I muttered, leaving my seat to walk back to my car. The tow truck was arriving, momentarily distracting Alex from his raging as the Hellcat was loaded onto the flatbed. I retrieved one of my water bottles from the backseat and gulped it down, but it didn’t settle my churning stomach.
I was still hung up on what Lucas had said. Maybe I owed them an apology. For snapping, for being so rude, for — God, for so many things. But after tonight, there was a good chance I would never even see them again.
Maybe it was for the best. We were too volatile together; emotions were too high. They made me feel like I had no idea what to say or how to act. Everything was so confusing with them and it was probably my fault.
After all, I was the one who couldn’t communicate, who’d ghosted them without notice.
Apparently, plans had been made while I was lost in my thoughts. I returned from the car to find everyone looking at me expectantly.
“What about you, Jess?” Alex said. “You coming along or what?”
“Depends where you’re going,” I said, arms folded.
Candace shrugged. “Anywhere is better than sitting on the side of the road all night, right?”
At this point, I wasn’t sure if that was true. Sitting here alone in the dark might be a better idea than going with them.
“Come on, Jess, it’ll be fun,” Danielle said. “I know tonight has kind of sucked, but the night is young, right? We can turn it around.”
Veronica was watching me with narrowed eyes, a smirk on her face. What did she think was so funny? She probably expected me to decline, I bet she wouldlovethat. It would be a victory for her if I was so uncomfortable that I stayed behind. I’d go to spite them all at this point.
“Sure, whatever,” I said. “Let’s go then.”