Page 11 of Losers, Part I
I couldn’t help but wonder if she thought about that night like we did? Did it haunt her, lurking in the corridors of her mind? Did it come out in the dark? Did she touch herself to thememories?
We did. Wealldid. Jason would scoff at the idea, Lucas would vehemently deny it, and Manson would claim she never even crossed his mind. But they were all liars. Manson still had her thong, although he thought he was sneaky about it. I’d caught Lucas stalking her social media several times.
The deep scowl on Jason’s face for the rest of the day proved he couldn’t get her out of his head. He got all sulky and broody when he was faced with a problem he couldn’t fix, and Jess was exactly that.
A damn problem that none of us could figure out.
“I doubt she’ll be sticking around long,” Manson said. When I mentioned we’d seen her, he looked like I’d slapped him before he quickly buried the expression. “She’ll be gone again before summer is over.”
Lucas looked pissed off, as usual. “Good riddance to her. This damn town doesn’t need any more issues.”
As if he was one to talk. Lucas had more issues than Playboy magazine.
I was sure they were wrong. Shit like this didn’t just happen — it was asign. There was a change in the air, a little more heat in the thick summer breeze. The Fates were weaving a new pattern into our lives, every thread tangling us a little closer to inevitable destiny.
Or maybe I was overthinking and waxing poetic. I was just pleased to be getting a little excitement in the midst of the summer doldrums. Watching Jess lean all over my car in those sexy little shorts and barely there bikini top had gotten my brain churning.
Whether or not Jess was here to stay, I needed to work out a little frustration.
I caught Jason when he was coming out of the shower, pinning him against the wall in the hallway with a towel around his waistand his hair still dripping.
“Oh, fuck.” His breath hitched as I gripped him through the towel, teeth grazing over his neck. I caught his ear in my teeth, biting softly at first, but then harder as I moved my mouth down his throat. His arms twined around my neck and tangled into my hair, pulling it when I bit down hard on his shoulder.
“I need you upstairs,” I said.
“One second, I’ll —”
My arm snapped up, gripping his throat. I pressed my forehead to his so he couldn’t avoid my gaze and snarled, “No,now.”
That got a grin out of him.
I shoved him on the bed the moment I got him into the attic. I climbed on top of him, and he shoved his hands against my chest, trying to wrestle his way on top. I was taller, but he was doubtlessly stronger than me. The time he spent at the gym had honed his muscles to perfection.
Perfection in my eyes; he’d probably protest that declaration.
But strong as he was, he let me pin him. He needed to be overcome; he craved it. Held down, used and dominated, spared the struggle of being in control.
Not unlike Jess. The two of them were more alike than he cared to admit.
“You’ve been brooding for hours,” I said, leaving the words in kisses and bites on his chest as I held his wrists pinned at his sides. He sucked in his breath sharply when I moved my mouth low on his abdomen, tracing my tongue below his navel, then biting him again. His muscles were rigid, veins swollen. When I tugged the towel away and tossed it aside, his cock was already hard. Long and veined, with a striking redness when he was erect. It made my mouth water for a taste of him.
“Haven’t been brooding,” he muttered, but the words died on his tongue when I took him into my mouth.
I preferred him a little dirty, but fresh out of the shower wasnice too. His hips twitched as I took him deep into my throat, savoring the struggle of consuming his entire length. I curled my tongue along his shaft, popped him from my mouth, and said, “You don’t fool me. Jess has been on your mind all day.”
He stiffened, eyes opening wide as he gave a vehement shake of his head. “No, she hasn’t. I don’t care what she…what…she…fuck…”
I rose up, hunching over him as I wrapped my fingers tightly around his throat, and he gripped my arm. The black paint on his thumbnail was chipped from how much he’d been obsessively chewing. I pressed myself between his legs, forcing them apart, watching the storm rage in those blue eyes.
“You don’t need to hide it from me,” I said as his throat bobbed with a gulp and his heart hammered against my palm. I’d told him that so many times, and doubtlessly, I’d tell him many more. “You’ve been having dirty, sinful, perverted thoughts about her, haven’t you? Tell me.”
He gave a jerky nod, and I squeezed the sides of his throat, growling out a warning, “Don’t move until I tell you.”
I retrieved a coil of rope from one of my hooks on the wall. The attic was both my bedroom and my studio. Whether I was making art with paints and canvas or flesh and blood, I had plenty of space to work. I grabbed a blindfold too, a red bandana that I tied over Jason’s eyes before I took my time tying him.
He relaxed as I moved him, binding the ropes around his arms and chest to secure his wrists behind his back. It was an intricate tie, but I wasn’t in a rush. With every knot, my fantasies delved a little deeper.
What I wouldn’t give to tie Jason and Jess at the same time, binding them until they could do nothing more than wiggle, then suspending them from the rafters to suffer for me.