Page 83 of Her Soul to Take
Funny. Just hilarious.
She did her job though. I hadn’t felt so relaxed in months. As I walked back up to the room that evening with my body feeling like jelly, I realized that I couldn’t wait to move out of Abelaum. I couldn’t wait to leave that goddamn town behind.
Fuck reconnecting with the magic of my childhood. Once I’d graduated and gotten to see Inaya’s wedding, I was moving as far away from this place as I was able to. Money was an issue, but I’d rent out an unfinished basement on the East Coast if I had to.
And Leon…
It had become too easy to imagine him going with me. Living with me.Stayingwith me. But as I got back up to the room, and ordered room service again for dinner, I knew that was a dangerous train of thought to go down. Dangerous because that wasn’t something I should get my hopes up about.
Leon was a demon. An immortal. A monster. He wanted my soul. He wasn’t about to be domesticated—and I didn’t want him to be. I didn’t want a demonic variation on the white-picket-fence nuclear family ideal. I just didn’t want him to leave.
His absence would be a void I couldn’t fill, which seemed so silly considering the lifetime I’d been through since moving here had really only been a few months. But it was like the first time I’d seen a ghost; it had been so brief but so stark, and the moment I’d realized what had happened I’d known I could never let that go. It’s weird that one brief moment can change the course of your whole life.
I finished dinner, and the sun set, but Leon still hadn’t returned. I streamed Youtube on the TV, putting on some deep-dive into an unsolved mystery from the 1970s to keep myself distracted. Nothing like watching the story of a woman disappearing without a trace to soothe my brain.
Tap, tap, tap.
I paused the video, looking around the room with a frown. I’d thought it was the sound of raindrops hitting the window, at first, but the sound was too steady, too purposeful. I waited, listening for it again to figure out where the hell it was coming from.
Tap, tap.
I got up slowly from the bed. It sounded like a finger tapping on wood, but it made no sense—it sounded like it was coming from the far corner, near the sliding door out onto the balcony. The only thing on the other side of that corner was the bathroom on the inside, and the balcony outside. I stared at the wall, at the shining, roughly polished wood, my heart beginning to pound.
Why did it sound like it was coming frominsidethe wall?
By the time I saw the movement behind me reflected in the window, Leon had already clapped his hand over my mouth, and wrapped the other around my throat.
“Fear smells good on you, baby girl,” he murmured, and twisted me around so I faced him, one hand still over my mouth and the other wrapped tight around my back. He flashed sharp teeth at me, his eyes bright. “I missed you today. It’s torturous, spending hours thinking about what I’d get to do to you when I got back.”
He uncovered my mouth. I smiled up at him breathlessly, my pounding heart beginning to slow. “Are we safe? No one’s after us?”
“We’re safe,” he said, still not giving me an inch of wiggle room as he held me close. He frowned a bit. “I couldn’t find the Hadleighs. They’re up to something, or…” He shook his head. “They haven’t managed to track us. So, on to better topics.”
He nudged a black paper bag on the floor with his foot, and I picked it up curiously. My mouth gaped open as I pulled out the plastic packaging inside.
“Holy shit, Leon, you…you think it willfit—”
“If I can fit, the toy can fit,” he said, as I stared wide-eyed at the dildo I’d pulled from the bag. It was absurdly thick, around his same size, and molded of purple silicone with a suction cup at the base.
“I didn’t know you were into toys,” I said.
“I’m into whatever I can use to make you scream.” He grinned as I rummaged a little further in the bag, and pulled out another box containing a blue and white vibrator. “I suspected our playtime tonight might be too intense without some distractions.”
I was excited for anything he had in mind that involved toys like these, but he caught my curiosity. “Intense? What…what do you mean?”
He used his claws to slit open the packages, and handed the toys back to me when he was done. “Go clean them, and try to remember: what did I tell you I’d be doing today?”
It only took me a minute to remember, and fear’s cold fingers slid up my back again. Fear and hot arousal coiled inside me like a snake; just as dangerous, and just as terrifying. Music began to play from the TV as I cleaned the toys, and I recognized the haunting, gravel tone asAnti-Social Masochistic Rageby Ghostemane. And I’d always thoughtmymusic taste was creepy.
When I emerged from the bathroom, he was sitting at the edge of the bed, running a cotton ball along a thick steel needle, a bottle of isopropyl alcohol at his feet.
I froze at the sight of that needle. Shit.Shit.
“I’ve never pierced a human before,” he mused. “When I pierced Zane’s tongue I didn’t have to worry about any infections.” He glanced over at me and winked. “Don’t worry. I did my research. I wouldn’t want to break my little doll.”
I wanted to run for the door. I wanted to scream. I wanted...I wanted him to do it. My hands were already shaking. My heart was a fluttering bird trapped in the cage of my ribs. My head was light as a balloon.
Leon curled his clawed finger at me. “Come here, baby girl.”