Page 66 of Her Soul to Take
I gave her a very bloody grin.
“Hello again, Everly.”
She came close, just beyond my reach, and looked down at me as if I was an unpleasant specimen she had to study. She looked healthy, her eyes bright, her steps light. Breaking free of Kent’s stranglehold would do anyone a world of good.
“Leon,” she spoke softly, almost disappointed. “Did Kent send you after me?”
“Fuck no.” Callum’s claws clicked against my teeth unpleasantly, and I snapped at him in retaliation, hoping I’d at least catch a finger. No such luck, but Callum didn’t try to hurt me in return. So obedient to the witch’s orders. “I’d sooner rip out my own intestines than obey Kent again. I came for my sigil. On my own.”
She looked confused for a moment, then her eyes widened in realization. “Oh...the grimoire, of course…” She laid her hand against a large pocket in the skirt of her dress—a pocket I could see was burdened with something very grimoire-shaped. “You’ve already paid a visit to Raelynn then. she still…”
“Alive?” I offered. “Absolutely. I’ve seen to that.”
Everly smiled. “Have you really? I never would have expected that from you.” She was silent for a moment, chewing on her thumbnail as she thought. “Raelynn was never supposed to end up with the grimoire. I made a reckless decision to steal it from Kent, but with the way he always watched me, I couldn’t keep it hidden on my person. I shoved it in a box. I thought I could go back for it later, but…” She sighed heavily. “Fate is merciless sometimes.”
So it had been her doing all along. I should have known. Kent never would have lost the grimoire himself; it was too precious to him. No one could have taken the book except Everly, who’s magic would override the grimoire’s need to only be passed willingly between owners.
“When Kent told me that Raelynn was the next sacrifice, I couldn’t bear it. I couldn’t let him make me a murderer, or make mehelpwith a murder.” She scowled, her hand tapping nervously against her side. “Kent wanted Jeremiah to do it, and I was to help. I was supposed to guide him through the sacrifice, so he wouldn’t make such a mess like he did last time.” She sounded nauseated, and swallowed hard. “All my life I’d seen you as a monster for always obeying him. Kent warned me that demons were cruel, that they were wicked. But that day you protected her.” She clasped her hands behind her back, suddenly stern. “Why did you protect her? Why did you defy Kent for her?”
It was difficult to shrug in my position, but I tried it anyway. “Just didn’t feel like obeying the old bastard anymore.”
She laughed softly as Callum’s claws jerked in my face. “I need a real answer, Leon. Answer me honestly, or you’re not leaving this place alive.”
I’d only ever known Everly to be meek and quiet. But the coldness in her tone told me there was a whole other side to her I’d never known was there. I wasn’t left with much of a choice. Tell the truth, or let Callum slowly rip me to pieces.
But fuck, what even was the truth?
Why did I protect her?
Why had I been risking my life for her?
I knew the truth—but knowing it and accepting it were two different things.
Callum jabbed his knee into me. “My lady asked you a question, hellion.”
My lady. Gag. This fucking guy. Neither of them realized just how damn difficult it was to describe feelings I didn’t truly have words for, but fuck it, I’d try.
“I care about her. I want to protect her. I want to keep her alive, because…” Because I want her soul? Because I want the pleasure of her body?
“Because?” Everly’s voice was patient. “Why, Leon?”
I winced, and for a brief moment I struggled against Callum’s hold as if it would do me any good. He didn’t budge an inch.
“It’s because I feel something for her, okay?” I snapped. “Is that enough for you?”
She frowned. She looked truly confused. “What do you feel?
God, this was torture. Give me pain and torment any day over this shit. “It’’s...fuck, God fucking dammit...I think I love her, alright? I can’t bear the thought of losing her. Every goddamn second that I’m here, wasting time with you two trying to get my sigil back, is a second that she’s left unprotected, and if anything happens to her, I’ll be holding you both personally responsible for wasting my time!”
My voice echoed in the wide hall. Callum blinked slowly, and glanced up at Everly. “Enough?”
She nodded. “Enough.”
He got off me and stood back, just beside Everly. I crawled to my feet, hissing at the unpleasantness of movement, still not trusting that the Archdemon wasn’t going to toss me across the room again.
“That’s one hell of a security system,” I grumbled.
“I’d hoped you would keep her alive,” Everly said, her long fingers plucking at her dress. “I never thought I’d see a demon want to protect a human.” She glanced at Callum, who was still regarding me like a bug he’d really rather squash. “When I realized you were defying Kent for her, it changed everything.”