Page 31 of Cruel Beast
“All you’re doing is exhausting yourself,” I murmur, clicking my tongue in mock concern. “You have to know nothing is going to change, no matter how you fight. So why bother?”
“You’re disgusting, and foul, and a horrible human.”
“Once again, tell me something I don’t already know.”
She wails in dismay when I fondle her tits, judging their size, holding up my phone with my other hand in a silent threat. She surprises me by gritting her teeth, an animal growl stirring in her chest as she begins tugging the shirt in earnest. She fights so hard, in fact, the knot I tied at the headboard begins to loosen.
“Settle down,” I warn, leaning over her to fix the problem.
All that does is create another problem, namely the way she fights and wiggles and rubs herself against me in her struggle. I close my eyes and force a shaky breath into my lungs. I have her right where I want her, utterly in my control. It would take nothing to finally claim her and, perhaps if I’m lucky, cleanse her from my system. That might be what I need to calm the storm raging just beneath the surface.
Raging like the erection I now have, thanks to the way she bucks and writhes beneath me.
“Oh, yes,” I murmur, breathing heavier. “Keep going. Just like that. All you’re doing is making me harder.”
Her features fill with utter disgust. “Fuck you.”
“I would much rather fuck you, Elena.” Once I’m convinced she’s secure, I back away slightly but remain on the bed. “Why didn’t your father regret letting me keep you under my control? Knowing he could have spared you this if only he had played fair?”
She turns her face away from me, and anger starts to seep into my pores. I take hold of her jaw, pressing my fingers tight. “If he had only been a man and lived up to his word, his sweet little girl wouldn’t have to go through this. Maybe after I take a few photos of you all splayed out and ready for me, I’ll treat him to the sight of my cum dripping from your pussy. How do you think he’d like that?”
“He’ll fucking kill you,” she spits, and the fire in her eyes is so hot it could burn me alive.
“Will he, though? Or will he only wish he’d kept his word?” I can’t help the smile that begins to stir my lips. “Of course, that will leave your honor destroyed. For some in our world, that still matters. I wonder if it matters to him. I wonder if he would ever be able to marry you off to anyone else once I make sure everybody knows I fucked every single one of your holes. When they know, I claimed you and defiled you for fun. What do you think would happen to you then? Do you think anyone would want you? Do you think you’ll have any value in your family after that?”
It turns out she can still surprise me. Her gaze is cold, flat as she lifts an eyebrow. “Are you sure that’s what would happen? Or are you telling yourself that as a way of excusing what we both know you want to do?”
I place a hand on either side of her head and lower myself until our bodies touch. “Can’t it be both?”
She lets out one of those animal grunts and practically levitates off the bed, making us both bounce as she fights harder than ever.
I look down between us when I feel the tight little nubs rubbing against my chest. “Well, look at this,” I murmur. “Somebody is getting excited.”
“You’re a pig.”
“Yes, yes, I’m a pig.” I reach between us and flick one of them, noting the way her jaw tightens. “The pig that’s turning you on. What does that say about you, I wonder?”
“Leave me alone. Stop this.”
“I don’t want to. And if I’m going to be stuck with you, I might as well enjoy it.” I flick the other nipple, and this time her nostrils flare along with that tightened jaw. It’s clear she’s fighting against what her body wants. “And it seems like you might enjoy it, too. Why deny yourself?”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You don’t sound so sure anymore,” I observe, twisting both nipples until she whimpers. It’s different from before when I had her downstairs. She’s not afraid, at least not of getting hurt. If anything, she’s afraid of what this is doing to her, of reactions she can’t control.
“I don’t want this. I don’t want you.”
“Are you sure about that?” Now, instead of being almost cruel, I’m gentle, rubbing my thumbs in slow circles over those taut little peaks. She closes her eyes, a tear squeezing out from under her lashes. I catch it on the tip of my finger and place it on my tongue, savoring the taste.
She’s stopped fighting, though the motion from her hips hasn’t stopped.
“You’re breathing faster,” I observe. Now losing myself a little at a time with every soft gasp and strangled moan. I want to hurt her. I want to make her fall apart because of me.
“I wonder what’s going on down here.” I turn my attention further south, parting her thighs. She tries to clamp them shut, but I spread them again, this time placing myself between them so she has no hope of hiding herself from me.
“Stop it. Don’t touch me there.”
“The more you try to tell me what to do, the less choice I have. When are you going to learn that?” I glance up into her eyes. “Besides. You’re only kidding yourself. We both know it.”