Page 55 of #Lovestrong
Declan is sound asleep. I pretended to be until I knew he was really out. It's four in the morning, and I just can't calm my mind or my nerves enough. Declan is on his side, his arm draped over my waist. Lightly, I run my fingers over the bruise on his face. I still can't believe he got in a fist fight— on school grounds to boot. My heart rate picks up, thinking about how stupid it was. He could've lost his scholarship or gotten expelled.
He can't do anything like that ever again.
"You know, it's actually flattering that you watch me sleep. Not creepy at all."
"For the love of all that’s holy," I say with my heart in my throat. "Could you not scare the crap out of me?"
"Says the girl staring at me while I'm sleeping." He opens his eyes and my breath catches. Declan is amazing. It's not just his looks— it's him. Everything about him just adds to how attractive I find him.
"Sorry," I say, casting my eyes down to stare at the bottom of the bed.
He tilts my chin up so our eyes meet. "Hey, I was just pulling your leg. You don't have to apologize."
"Are you really a virgin, Declan?" As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I clamp my hand over my lips. My face heats and I mentally slap myself for asking that out loud. I mean, I know he says he is, but it's kinda hard to believe.
Declan's eyebrows pull together in confusion and he props himself up on his elbow. "Yeah, I am." He stares at me for a moment, his eyes searching my face, and I keep my hand over my mouth, afraid if I move it, more stupid is going to come out. Sleep deprivation and stress are not my friends. "You don't believe me?"
He gently pulls my hand away from my face and stares at me, waiting for an answer. "It's not that I don't believe you, it's just hard to believe."
"Come on. You're the hottest and most popular guy at Lakeview. Prominent family, football star. Girls practically fawn over you everywhere we go."
"Yep, and that's exactly why I haven't gone there with anyone. Why would I want to give that part of me to people who are using me?"
I'd never looked at it that way, but him saying it out loud makes me think. Being the son of a Senator, plus football, any type of interaction with Declan is a huge boost to a girl's social status.
"That girl, Myra, the one who tried being all buddy-buddy with you and hangs with Darcy? You know her and I dated. She ever mention why we broke up?"
I shake my head, biting my lip to stop from saying anything. The truth is Myra spent the one day we chatted talking a lot about Declan— about how they dated, how they were just on a break, and how they were going to work things out. I knew she was one of those delusional girls who don’t know when to move on, but it was never worth asking about.
"Last year, she texted me one night saying she really needed to talk to me. Made it sound like she was upset about something. So I go over to her house and when I walk in, she's standing in the foyer, in her birthday suit."
"That's bold," I say, rolling my eyes.
"Yeah, when I asked her what the hell she was doing, she tried to seduce me, but honestly, I was never that attracted to Myra. We dated for a year, but she's a snake, like my sister, and that just turns me off in the worst way. I broke up with her when she actually threw a tantrum, right there, naked as a jaybird, because I wouldn't have sex with her. Found out a week later she had a bet with her friends that she could take my virginity."
"That's messed up."
"Eh, it's whatever. She'll be pissed when she finds out I plan to give it to you."
My eyes go wide again and I have to swallow the breath caught in my throat. Declan cups the side of my face and chuckles. I kinda like the fact Declan and I are both virgins, and I've never even been close to having sex with anyone. That wasn't even something Cameron and I ever brought up in discussion. The fact that I want to with Declan is so new, I don't even know what to do or say half the time.
"Breathe, Lena."
I hadn't realized I was holding my breath. I laugh and scoot closer to him. He runs his fingers along the base of my head, right at the hairline, and it tingles all the way down my back.
"You're all I want, Lena. I just want to do things right in my life. Does that make sense?"
I nod my head as I wrap my arm around him. He rolls onto his back and puts his arms around me, as I lay my head on his chest with his heart beating steady in my ear.
"Get some sleep, baby. I'll still be here when you wake up."
Closing my eyes with his fingers running up and down my back, I slowly drift off to sleep. I can get used to this.