Page 52 of #Lovestrong
Declan is on the shoulders of his teammates in the end zone as the buzzer sounds for the end of the first football game of the season. I can't get down the steps fast enough. He's as amazing on the field as he is off the field. I've never been more proud of him. He led his team to the perfect start of the season— 46-14, Lakeview.
Candice and I both trip among the throngs of people moving out of the stands and we laugh, grabbing each other’s arms as we move toward the stairs together to get to Jackson and Declan down on the field.
"That play was amazing. Did you see Jackson with that block," Candice says, gushing.
"I know! Remind me never to mess with him. He hits like a freight train." Candice and I went all out on the team spirit. Wearing cut-off tank tops, despite the chill in the air, we used body paint to put the guys’ jersey numbers, 8 for Declan and 54 for Jackson, on our stomachs with their last names on our chests, and designs with the school colors on our arms and faces. I'm freezing, but I don't even care. I'm so frickin' proud of my guy!
"Man, Harp must be laying that pipe down good to snag a body like that," someone says as Candice and I step off the bleachers.
We both turn to find the school bad boy and his group of friends leaning against the side of the stands. I think his name is Ashton. I don't have any classes with him, but his reputation is well-known in the school. Darcy apparently dated him during their Freshman year. Declan warned me to stay away from this kid and his crowd. They're bad news with a capital B.
"Excuse me," I say, giving him a look I hope clearly conveys my distaste for his comment.
"Please, my brother is too much of a pussy to lay anything, let alone this crazy slut." Darcy steps out from the middle of the group, behind Ashton, and I can't stop myself from rolling my eyes.
"Come on, Lena. They're not worth it." Candice takes my hand and as we turn to walk away, a cold set of hands grabs my waist, digging into my bare skin.
"Where you going?" Ashton turns me around forcefully and pulls me toward his chest. I shove both my hands into him, trying to get away, but the harder I push, the more he digs his fingers into my skin.
"Get off me, creep," I say, raising my voice.
"Don't be like that," he says, using one hand to grab the back of my hair and pull my face toward his. "Let me show you how getting off really feels."
Just as I put my hands up to push his face away, something white blurs past my eyes and Ashton curses, letting go of me and stumbling backward. Candice grabs me and pulls me back. When I look up, Declan and Jackson are in Ashton's face, and Darcy has a look of horror on hers.
"You a big man with your football buddy with you, Harp. Without him, you wouldn't be shit," Ashton says, moving his hand away from his face. A small cut next to his eye has a thin line of blood running from it.
Jackson takes a few steps back and crosses his arms over his chest. People coming out of the stands move in a wide circle, sensing the tension from the group.
"Declan, don't," I say loudly. "He's not worth it."
Declan doesn't even turn around. "Touch my girlfriend again, man, and I'll make sure you can't use those hands for a while."
"Fuck you, rich boy," Ashton says, shoving Declan. "Your little slut ain't worth my time anyway."
Several girls scream as Declan rears back and hits Ashton so hard in the face he falls back into his friends. Before anyone can break it up, the two of them slam into each other and topple down to the ground, beating the hell out of each other. Declan rolls and pins Ashton on the ground, punching him repeatedly in the side of the head and ribs, while Ashton has his arms up, blocking his face.
One of Ashton's friends moves forward and Jackson drops his hands to his sides, fists balled. "Don't even think about it."
"Declan!" His father's voice booms through the crowd as he and Declan's mom push through people to get to their son. "Get off him, son."
Mr. Aiden grabs Declan under the arms from behind and pulls him away from Ashton, and Jackson steps in front of Declan and puts his hands on his best friend's chest pushing him backward. I've never seen Declan lose him temper. Heck, I've never really heard him raise his voice, and when his voice rings out over the crowd, I actually cringe and move closer to Candice. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and we're both shaking a little.
"You ever touch her again, ain't shit gonna save you next time!"
Declan struggles out of his father's grip and practically stomps over to me. I'm not scared of him, just how upset he is. He puts his hands on both sides of my face and looks down at me, his eyes still shining with anger and a huge bruise forming under his left eye and on the left side of his face. "Are you okay, baby?"
I shove his hands off my face and jump toward him, wrapping my arms up around his neck, painfully banging my elbows on his shoulder pads. He catches me, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his head in my hair. "I'm okay. I'm okay. Are you okay?"
I let go of his neck and he sets me back on my feet as his father and Jackson come up next to him. "I'm fine."
Grabbing his face, I turn his head toward the light to look at the side of his face. "You have a black eye, Declan. Oh my gosh, what the hell were you thinking?"
I'm not really mad, but the thought of him fighting like that or getting hurt because of me causes really dark thoughts to filter into my head, and it bothers me more than I can ever put into words.
Declan leans down and kisses me, tangling his fingers into my hair. "Don't ever think I'll stand by and let someone put their hands on you."
Sincerity rings in every word and after a moment, his father pats him hard on the back. "Okay, you and Jackson go get changed. Your mother and I will wait with the girls until you all come out."
Declan lets go of me and turns to his dad. "Maybe you can explain what the heck Darcy is doing hanging out with those clowns anyway?"
Mr. Aiden and Mrs. Carrigan turn back toward Ashton's group. Ashton and several other people are gone, but Darcy is standing with her hands crossed over her chest and a look of pure hatred aimed at me and Declan.
As Mrs. Carrigan guides us toward the school, Mr. Aiden walks over, grabs his daughter by the upper arm, and literally starts pulling her toward the parking lot.
I don't know why Darcy hates me so much, but this crap with her has got to stop. Once we stop next to Declan's parents’ car, Mrs. Carrigan checks her phone. After shoving it back in her purse, she turns to me and Candice. "Get in, girls. I'm going to take you both home. Mr. Aiden needs to have some time to speak to Declan and Darcy.
I can't help the disappointment that floods my body. Before we get in, Candice and I look at each other and I know she's feeling the same way I am. This is bad. Really bad.