Page 24 of #Lovestrong
My face is so hot with embarrassment, I could probably fry an egg on it. I'm gonna beat the hell out of Declan as soon as I get him alone.
"I have a 4.83 GPA and yes, I take college-level German," I say, squeezing his hand in an attempt to let him know he's in so much trouble.
"Damn. Smart girl," Declan's father says, nodding his head in approval. "Nice to see my son spending time with someone who takes their studies seriously. His past girlfriends were—"
"Airheads," his mother says. "Complete and utter airheads. Dear God, I've never heard such talk about cheerleading outfits, dance routines, and the six hundred shades of lipstick these girls wore. Lord, help me."
I burst out laughing. I like his mom.
I can see where he gets his humor and wit from. Despite the fact she's wearing a designer outfit that probably cost a few thousand dollars, she's down-to-earth. Realistic.
"I don't do cheerleading, and rarely wear lipstick, so luckily we won't have those conversations."
His mother smiles and winks at me as she sits up straight. My grandparents save me from any more questions as they set plates of food in front of everyone, me included.
"I didn't order food, Grandma," I say, looking from the chicken Caesar salad to her.
"Yeah, and you also haven't eaten today, so shut up and enjoy the food with Declan and his parents." She flicks my shoulder and laughs.
"Fine, sheesh," I say, rolling my eyes at her.
For the next hour, we eat and talk about sports and school, and how I like Oregon compared to Virginia. It's easy talking to them and, thanks to Declan, he keeps them focused on topics he figures I'm comfortable with. By the time we're done eating, I've talked more than I have to anyone else since I got here. His father isn't nearly as uptight as I thought he'd be given the fact he's a Senator.
"What are you doing Wednesday night?" Declan says, turning toward me.
"Uh, I don't know. Homework probably. Why?"
"Will you go out with me? Like on a real date."
Did he seriously just ask me that in front of his parents? What in the hell! I glance over at his mom and she's grinning at both of us.
"I guess," I say in a stutter. "Ya know, next time, you could try not putting a girl on the spot."
Both his parents chuckle and his dad reaches over the table to playfully slap his son's shoulder.
"I mean, I figured you'd be less inclined to say no. I'm using my parents to my advantage." His smile is full and breathtaking.
"We'll meet you outside, Declan. Lena, dear, it was wonderful to meet you. If your date goes well, Declan should bring you over for dinner at our house soon." His mom stands and pats my shoulder as she and his father head to the counter where Grandma is sitting.
When I look back at Declan, he reaches up and plays with the end of my braid, staring me in the face with warm eyes. It makes me squirm in my seat. I shouldn't have said yes to a date. What the hell was I thinking?
"Declan, dating really isn't a good idea for me," I say softly, looking down at his thumb rubbing light circles on the back of my hand.
"I know you've got some stuff going on, and no matter what, I'll continue to be here for you, just as much as I have been. But I like you, Lena. A lot more than I’ve ever liked anyone. Please just think about it. Whatever happened to you, I'm not going anywhere and I'm not gonna hurt you. Okay?"
He uses his free hand to cup the side of my neck and bring our foreheads together.
I sigh in defeat. It takes too much energy to keep pushing Declan away. "Fine. You win. We'll go on a date."
He kisses my forehead before standing and saying goodbye. I stare at the front door long after he's disappeared through it.
What the hell am I going to do now?