Page 14 of #Lovestrong
She covers her faces with her hands and draws in a ragged breath, her shoulders shaking. I've never been so overwhelmed with the need to protect someone, especially someone I barely know. I run my hand down her back and wrap it around her waist, pulling her against me.
"You wouldn't understand," she whispers through her hands.
I lean my chin on her shoulder and rest my head against hers. "You might be right. But cutting yourself isn't going to help either. Listen, how about we make a deal? You don't have to tell me anything, but put my number in your phone. Every time you want to cut yourself, call me or text me instead. Please?"
She slowly turns around to face me, tears trailing down her face. It makes my chest ache. I want to kiss her and not stop until whatever is bothering her disappears. I stare down at her, silently pleading for her to accept my help.
She reaches behind her and then holds her phone out to me. As she steps back a little, wiping the moistures from her face, I put my number in her contacts.
I don't know how to help her, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try. Once I'm done, I hand her back the phone and reach up to run my fingers lightly through her ponytail. "Let's go clean that out and re-bandage it, okay? Next time, you call me first. Understood?"
She doesn't look up at me, but nods her head before I take her hand and head for the bathroom to get the first aid kit.