Page 62 of Flare
“I’m pretty sure there’s nothing my money can’t buy,” I say. “You have my word. If it takes every last penny, Iwillprotect you.”
She squeezes my hand. “But I don’t want you to have to, Brock. That’s my point. You and I didn’t do any of this. Well…I did. I’m the one who seduced Pat Lamone, drugged him with Benadryl, and got the confession out of him that put this in motion.”
“That doesn’t make any of this your fault.”
“Doesn’t it? Pat would say he’s the victim.”
“Because you gave him Benadryl? I’d love to see him prove that. You and Callie are the victims, Rory. You’re the ones who got drugged and put on display in photographs. You were violated. Maybe you weren’t raped, beaten, or anything like that, thank God, but youwereviolated. I won’t let you make light of it.”
She squeezes my hand again. “You’re so understanding.”
“I’m just a man who loves you. You must love me, because you’re still here after hearing everything that’s going on with my family.”
“I’m glad you confided in me. I hate the thought of you going through this alone. I’m glad to be here with you. This is where I belong, at your side, bearing any burden with you.”
I kiss her cheek. “I didn’t think it was possible, Rory, but I just fell in love with you a little bit more.”
We arrive at our hotel around noon London time. I’m sleepy, though not horribly so. Being able to lie flat during the long flight helped, and both Brock and I were able to get some shut-eye.
Still, I’m learning the meaning of jet lag quickly. A nap sounds like heaven. I yawn and lie down on the bed when—
“Nope. No, you don’t.”
“Just a little nap, Brock.”
“You can’t. We have plans this afternoon. We’re going sight-seeing.”
“Right after my nap.”
“I already ordered a pot of coffee,” he says. “Room service will be bringing it up momentarily. You can’t succumb, Rory. If you do, you’ll never get on London time.”
“Do Ineedto get on London time? We are only going to be here a couple days.”
“Yeah, you do. It only takes one day of caffeine. You’ll be fine tomorrow. We’re meeting Ennis for tea.”
“Don’t the English take tea in the afternoon?”
“Yes. We’re meeting him at four o’clock.”
“If that’s not until tomorrow, then there’s plenty of time for me to take a nap today.”
His eyes twinkle. “If you insist on going to bed, it’s going to be up to me to make sure you donotfall asleep.”
I smile.
In a moment he’s next to me, lying on the bed, and I’m in his arms getting kissed passionately.
“I haven’t paid nearly enough attention to your tits lately,” he says. Then he moves on top of me, pushes my shirt up over my chest, kisses the top of my breasts.
In another second, my bra is gone.
“How’d you do that?” I ask.
“Ancient secret.”