Page 40 of Flare
Us. What about us?
But after the way I’ve treated her… Maybe she doesn’t think there’s anusanymore.
“What aboutwhat, Brock?”
“Me. You. You and me.”
“Whataboutyou and me?”
Damn. She’s going to make me say it. I don’t think I’m ready to say it, and I damn well know for sure she’s not ready to hear it.
Turns out I don’t have to say anything, though, because she keeps talking.
“You behaved atrociously the other night. You accused me of not reminding you to put on a condom on purpose.”
“Yeah. That wasn’t my best move, and I’m really sorry.”
“Then, you call me, and I come over here thinking you’re lying dead somewhere, but you’re only drunk as a skunk. You dropped the phone and didn’t bother telling me.”
“I passed out, Rory. Icouldn’ttell you.”
She huffs. Takes another sip of her water. “And now you still want me to do this recital?”
“Yeah, I do. It will give us both something to focus on.”
“Don’t you haveenoughto focus on? With running a ranch and all?”
“Yeah, I have my work, just like you have yours. Then we also have the shit that’s going on in our lives. The recital is something…different. It’s not work. It’s for fun.”
“Producing a recital sounds fun for you,” she says dryly.
“Well, it’s a challenge. It’s nothing I’ve ever done before.”
“Let’s get honest about this right now, Brock. You don’t know anything about music production, so all the work is going to fall on me.Me.”
“No. That’s not what I want.”
“Who’s going to put together the program? Me. Who’s going to find an accompanist? Me. Who’s going to stage the performance? Me. Your only contribution is monetary.”
“No, I’ll produce.”
“What the hell do you think producers are? They’re deep pockets.”
Is she correct? Hell if I know. I produce beef, not music.
I sigh. “Fine. We can cancel the damned thing.”
She opens her mouth. Closes it. Opens it again.
“Do you have something to say, Rory?”
I see it in her eyes. A big part of her wants this recital. A really big part of her.
And damn… A really big part of me wants to give it to her.
“No,” she finally says. “I have nothing to say. I need you to do some talking.”
“About what?”