Page 22 of Flare
Sadie grabs her hand and gawks at the ring. “This is positively gorgeous. Donovan, you say? He’s the blond one. Nora has quite a thing for him.”
“Well, he’s taken,” I say dryly.
“Of course he is. You are absolutely the luckiest woman in the world.”
“I won’t disagree with you there.” Callie smiles.
“How about you, Rory? Are you seeing anyone?”
How am I supposed to answer that?
“She is,” Callie says. “Brock.”
“You are? He didn’t say anything to me that he was seeing anyone.”
“Well, they’re quite an item,” Callie says.
“Callie… Actually, we haven’t been seeing each other that long.”
“I’m certainly glad you told me,” Sadie says. “But we just saw you the other night at Murphy’s, and he didn’t act like you two were together.”
“She just said they haven’t been seeing each other that long,” Callie says.
“Oh. I guess I’ll stay away from him then. There’s certainly no shortage of hot Steel men.”
“For sure there’s not,” I say.
For sure there’s not?Those words aren’t even in the right order. What the hell is wrong with me?
I discreetly look at my watch. Only five minutes have passed? Her break is probably for at least fifteen. Ten more minutes of this torture.
“Do you two know all the Steels?” Sadie asks.
“Our family owns a ranch adjacent to theirs,” Callie says.
Thanks a lot, Callie.
“So you’ve known them a long time, then?”
“Yeah, forever.” Those words from me.
“That’s so great. So you’re engaged to Donny. And he’s…the son of Jonah?”
“No, he’s Talon’s son,” Callie says. “Brock is Jonah’s son.”
“Awesome. What other delicious men are there to choose from?”
“Donny has a brother, Dale,” Callie says. “But he’s married.”
“Such a shame,” Sadie gushes.
Callie continues. “Brock has a brother as well. Brad. He’s been in a relationship for the last two years.”
“There’s another blond one though, right? Nora was telling me.”
“Yeah. Henry Simpson. He’s the son of Marjorie Simpson, née Steel, and he’s also in a relationship. He has a brother named Dave, dark hair and blue eyes. And that’s it. The rest of them are women.”
“Is Dave seeing anyone?”