Page 18 of Flare
“He doesn’t need our land for that.”
“No. But Bryce and I didn’t give it a thought at the time.”
“No, you didn’t. You were feeling guilty about not supporting him as a local veterinarian.”
Something is rotten here. I sense it already. “I wonder…”
“What?” Dad says.
“What if we rented a helicopter or a small crop-dusting plane? Flew over to see what he’s got on this land?”
“Not a bad idea, son, but I’m thinking it’s best to drive the perimeter and look that way. These coordinates were given to us for a reason. And on those first coordinates, you and your cousins found evidence of rotting flesh, and then you left. By the time you returned, whatever might’ve been in that attic was gone. If we fly a plane or helicopter over the next set of coordinates, we will alert someone.”
My father’s right.
He usually is.
“All right. Let’s drive the damned perimeter.”
I said it.
I said the words.
I’m falling for Brock Steel.
“I know. I may be pregnant with his child. Which is of course what I wanted. But damn it, Callie, I don’t want it this way. This baby—if it even exists—deserves to be part of a family. A family with two parents. I don’t know how Brock feels about me.”
“You’re a soft spot.”
“Those words are Donny’s, not Brock’s. Is it even fair to talk to Brock about a relationship when so much else is going on with his family that I don’t even know about?”
“First things first,” Callie says. “When is your period due?”
I pull my phone out of my pocket and check the calendar. “A week and a half.”
“Okay. There are pregnancy tests now that you can take, like, five days before you miss your period.”
“That’s still a week away.”
“I know.”
“I should talk to Brock.”
“Yeah, you probably should.”
“Why? Why did I get into this?” I let out a sigh. “You never fall for the rebound guy.”
“Good advice,” Callie agrees. “But this is still new, Ror. Maybe you are falling for him. But maybe you’re not. Maybe you’re just infatuated with the rebound guy.”