Page 136 of Flare
So… Mercy it is.
“Now what are we going to do?” I say. “We promised him we’d be here.”
Genevieve meets my gaze with cold eyes. “Why don’t you text him? He’ll tell you what room it is.”
“Now why didn’t I think of that?” I dazzle her again, again with no results. I pull out my phone. “Damn, my phone is dead.”
“I left mine in the car,” Donny says.
“Isn’t that convenient,” Genevieve says dryly.
“Well, we can help you,” Mercy says. “The Steel Foundation gives us a large grant every year.”
“And we’re happy to do it,” I say.
“Yes, my father was treated at this hospital not long ago,” Donny adds.
Mercy taps on her computer. “It looks like Mr. Lamone is visiting the patient in room 3520.” She frowns. “That’s our mental health wing.”
“I know,” I say, feigning no surprise at all. “He’s beside himself about this.”
“That’s why we’re here to support him,” Donny agrees. “He’s been running himself ragged.”
“The two of you are good friends.” Mercy smiles.
“That’s confidential information,” Genevieve says.
“Genevieve, this is the Steel family. They fund this hospital.”
Genevieve rolls her eyes. “Whatever. I’m not going down with you.”
“No one is going down,” I say. “We promise. We’ll tell Pat how great you’ve been. And our family. All of our family.”
“How nice of you,” Mercy says. “Get on up there and be with your friend.”
“Thank you.” Donny dazzles once more.
“Yes, we won’t forget this.” My turn to dazzle.
Then we turn and head for the elevators. Once we get to the elevators, Donny starts laughing.
“Yeah, it’s kind of funny, except that we just made that poor woman breach her ethics.”
“I know. And damn, I hate breaching ethics. But our name. Our fucking name. I’ve seen it time and again. This name can work miracles. And it makes me wonder, again and again. Why? How the hell did we get here? We sure as hell didnotget here raising beef.”
“Well… There are apples and peaches. Wine.”
“Yes, I know. And you’re right, our esteemed grandfather probably got into tech when it was new and innovative. Still…there’s something we’re not seeing.” He punches the elevator button.
“I know.” I sigh. “What the hell could it be?”
“We’re going to have to find out,” Donny says, “and I have the sinking feeling that once we do? We’re going to wish we never started looking.”
A feeling of impending doom washes over me.
“This is wrong,” I say. “So wrong.”
“It’s all kinds of wrong, dude.”