Page 111 of Flare
I turn back at my name.
Davey stands there, having just come out from the back. She looks as pretty as ever, wearing her white lab coat, which is in stark contrast to her dark skin. Her hair is different than the last time I saw her. It’s slicked back into a tight bun, which accentuates the fine lines of her face.
“Oh, Davey,” the receptionist says. “This young lady was just looking for you.”
Here goes nothing. I smile…or attempt to. “Good afternoon, Davey.”
“Is everything all right?”
“Yes, fine. I was just wondering if you and I could talk for a moment.”
“I have about fifteen minutes before my next appointment,” she says, “so you’re in luck. Come on back.”
I follow Davey back to her office, where I met with her previously.
“Okay,” she says. “What can I help you with today?”
“Do you mind if I sit?”
“Not at all.”
I take the same chair I sat in during our heated appointment. “First, I need to be honest with you. I’ve decided to give the other relationship a go.”
“You didn’t have to come all the way here to tell me that, Rory. You made yourself very clear on the phone, and there are certainly no hard feelings on my end.”
“I know that. I didn’t think there would be. If it weren’t for this other relationship, I really would be interested in dating you.”
“I understand. What brought you in, then?”
I chew on my bottom lip. “I think I might be pregnant.”
Davey smiles. “Did you end up going to another sperm bank?”
“No. The relationship I’m in, as I told you, is with a man, and…well… We got a little overeager one time—”
“I see. So you’re not on the pill, obviously, or you wouldn’t have come to a sperm bank. What do you normally use?”
“A condom. But we forgot it. And that’s not the worst part.”
“What’s the worst part?”
“I was ovulating at the time. I took one of those tests.”
“I see.” Davey nods. “I’ve been where you are.”
“But you didn’t end up pregnant.”
“No. But why would you assume that?”
“Because the last time I was in here, you told me you were inseminated here.”
“Right. I did.” She smiles and shakes her head. “I don’t tell that to all my clients. I felt a connection with you right away.”
“I felt it too. But believe me, I’m in love with this man. And I want a baby so badly. You were right last time. I haven’t thought this through. But now it might be happening.”
“So you’ve missed your period, then?”