Page 101 of Flare
Uncle Talon shakes his head. “We don’t know all the answers, Brock. I wish we did. I know for sure that Tom Simpson is dead. His brains were splattered all over his own kitchen. Just ask your father.”
Just ask your father…
But that also means trusting that my father is telling me the truth.
And I hate to say it, but…I no longer trustanyof these people to tell me the truth.
“Who would want you dead, Uncle Talon?”
“I don’t know, Brock.”
“Who would wantmyfather dead?”
“Again…I don’t know.”
“Uncle Talon…damn it. What aren’t you telling us?”
“Hey,” Dale says. “Watch it.”
“I get it, Dale. You’re totally protective of your father, and I don’t blame you, but we have all these pieces to a puzzle, and none of them fit together.”
“It’s okay, son,” Uncle Talon says to Dale. “Brock has valid questions, and I wish I had valid answers.”
“We’re going to find the motherfucker who tried to kill you, Dad,” Dale says. “I will take that to the grave.”
“Don’t you take anything to the grave, son. That would kill your mother. Besides, you have a new wife. You’ll have a family soon. You willnotgive your life for any of this. Do you understand me? That goes for the two of you, as well.” He nods to Donny and me, and then he rises. “You know what? I think we could all use a drink.”
I rise as well. “I’m going to pass. But thank you.”
“Brock, I love you. I love you like you’re my own child. I feel that same way about all my nieces and nephews. We all do.”
I nod. “I know that.”
“Trust me when I say we only kept this information from you because we thought we could protect you.”
“That’s what you get for thinking, I guess.” I walk out of Uncle Talon’s office, down the hallway, through the foyer, and out the door.
On my way I text Rory.
Meet me at my place. Please.
It doesn’t even occur to me to say no. I’m tired, and my nerves are on edge from the dinner with my parents and then Dale’s phone call to Donny.
But Brock needs me.
So I go.
I’m waiting in my car when he drives up.
“Hey,” he says. “I’m sorry. I figured I’d get here before you did.”
“No problem.”
“Easy enough. I’ll get you a key, and all the security codes. That way you don’t have to wait out here.”