Page 24 of Primal Lust
Knowing she very much feels me as I do her, I stride to the passenger side and open the door for her.
“I’ll drive,” she demands as she walks to the driver’s side, ignoring my attempt to reconcile.
Just as she opens the door, I tell her, “It would be better if I drive. After all, I’ll be trying to scent our way.” She purses her lips and clicks her tongue against the roof of her mouth before striding toward me, her heels tapping out a staccato rhythm on the pavement. “Fine, pup.”
Before she can slip into the seat, I wrap my hand around her waist, holding her there. Tension crackles between us as her chest rises and falls. My gaze is locked with hers.
“I want us to be okay,” I admit to her in a whisper. Her fingers wrap around mine, releasing my grip as she swallows and says, “Me too.”
That’s all I get. But it’s better than nothing.
It’s silent in the car as I pick out the way to go. Veronica’s still and quiet.
There’s an out-of-sync energy that surrounds us and I despise it. The atmosphere is so different between us. It’s as though we’re at war, but neither of us wants to be fighting. It takes less than half an hour until I find a gravel road. It reeks of vampires. Far more than what I smelled back at the donation center. Braking, I stop the car. I squint down the road, but it’s too difficult to make out what it leads to.
I look to my mate and tell her, “We should continue from here on foot.” Watching her hand open the door, suddenly I’m not liking that she’s with me. I’m slow. They could outrun me, but they could also grab her. They could take her and do to her whatever the hell they’re doing to the other vampires. And what could I do? If they stay to fight, I’ll win. My strength is unmatched. But their speed is superior. They could easily outrun me. They could take my mate captive and leave me nothing but a trail to follow.
“Wait.” My voice is far too loud, considering vampires are close. She leans into the car with her hands braced on the doorframe.
“What the hell, Vince,” she hisses. “You need to be quieter.”
“Get in the car.” Her eyes narrow at me, not likingmy tone. “Baby, there are too many vamps. I don’t trust it.”
“We’ll be fine, Vince.”
“I won’t be able to live with myself if something happens to you.”
“I’ll be fine; stop worrying. I can handle myself.” She stresses the last part, shifting her stance and the gravel crunches beneath her heels.
“No, I can’t live if something were to happen to you.” Sadness flashes across her eyes and I don’t understand it.
“You’ll be just fine if I die. You’ll have to learn to live with it.” Her hard words seem out of place with the sorrow reflected in her dark eyes. It takes a moment for me to grasp what the hell’s going on. My hand slams against the wheel in anger as it hits me. She’s going to have to keep living after I die because she’s a vampire, not a wolf. I’m such an insensitive asshole. She jolts at my harsh movement.
“I’m sorry. I wish things could be different.” I barely get the words through my gritted teeth. I haven’t really thought about the fact that my mate is immortal. What the hell is wrong with me? “Get in the car.”
“I’ll be fine, Vince.”
“Get in the damn car right now, Veronica. I’m not going to risk losing you. I willneverrisk you.” She fidgets outside the car, her feet gently moving the rocks beneath her again, and for a moment I think she’s going to ignore me and walk down the path without me. Instead, she quietly gets in the car and shuts the door with a faint click, staring straight ahead while I gaze at her.
“You’ll be fine if I die, Vince. You’ll have to be fine and just keep living.” Her head turns to face me and her cold dark eyes are devoid of emotion when she tells me, “You can’t keep me by your side forever.” Her words cut deep into me.
“I’ll keep you safe for as long as I live, I promise you.” I move to grasp her hand and she lets me. Even as the cords in her neck tighten with a swallow, she lets me hold her hand in mine. I brush my lips against her knuckles and turn her hand over to kiss her palm. “You’re mine to keep by my side if I wish.”
Her sigh is one that will stay with me. One of stubbornness, hardness, and a somber note of regret. It fucking kills me. She rests her hand in her lap while I start the car and leave the trail. I’ll call Devin and tell him what we’ve discovered as soon as I swallow this lump climbing up my throat. There’s no need for us togo down that path into God knows what by ourselves, most likely outnumbered. We’re a pack for a reason.
“Do you want to talk about it?” I murmur the words while I drive us toward home. “We should make it there in a few hours. Plenty of time to talk.” Before she can answer, my phone’s timer goes off, indicating it’s time to call Lev. I wait a moment and Veronica only shrugs, her gaze focused on the phone. Reluctantly, I put it on speaker and the other end rings once before Lev picks up.
“Yo, you good?”
Clearing my throat, I tell him, “Yeah, heading back now.”
“No leads?” Lev’s disappointment is obvious.
“We got something. We’re going to need backup, though.” I can practically feel his grin through the sounds of his howling laughter. My first thought is new to me: he doesn’t have a mate to protect. There’s not an ounce of worry for him. “We’ll be back soon.”
“Still, check in with me again in an hour. I don’t need Devin up my ass.”
“You got it.” I end the conversation and glance at my mate. “Baby, talk to me.”