Page 16 of Primal Lust
Lev huffs and snorts before saying, “Yeah, right. Like they care.”
“How are we going deal with them?” Dom’s voice comes out hard.
“I should’ve ended him rather than let him run,” Devin says, his brows pinching together as he drums his fingers along the table.
“What do we know of their pack?” I ask as I realize I don’t know a single thing about the rival pack.
“They fled to a stronghold they have in the mountains. Maybe ten men remain; a few women too, I think,” Devin tells us.
“They’re weak now. We could easily take them,” Caleb says.
Devin’s fist slams on the granite countertops, forcing his mate to take a step back. “I will not risk our pack.” He calms, softening his voice to add, “We cannot take on too much at once. Understood?”
The pack answers in unison, all but his mate, who peers up at him with uncertainty. Not weeksago, this human had nothing to fear beyond mortal concerns. And now she’s found herself on the brink of war, her fate tied to a mate who will lead us to it. Without looking back at her, Devin’s hand reaches out for her and she takes his hand with both of hers.
“Jude, you’ll scout out his pack. We don’t know enough to go on the offensive. I want to know everything. Come back with intel and a plan of attack. We won’t give them any mercy this time.”
Jude acknowledges the command with “Yes, Alpha,” and the attention turns to us.
“Vince and Veronica will go to her coven. Tell them I want to know how the blood banks are run and go to Still Waters. Three vampires have been abducted. Find them. I want to know everything that’s going on. You have four days. No more than that. I also want you to take your fucking cell phone this time, Vince.”
“You got it, Alpha,” my mate says.
“What drug could possibly make us mortals?” I’m still reeling over this revelation. With all my thoughts running wild, I simply can’t imagine it. In centuries there’s never even been a whisper of magic or otherwise that could reverse our immortality.
“We don’t know. The drug in the shifter we captured is an amphetamine called Captagon. It’s highly addictive, plus it keeps them awake and energized.” Devin’s gaze finds Jude’s as he adds, “That could be a problem for you. I expect to hear back from both you and Vince, every hour on the hour. Call Lev. If Lev doesn’t hear from you, we’ll come immediately. Is that clear?”
They answer in unison, but my question is still left unanswered. “What about the blood, what’s the poison?” I can’t imagine this drug actually existing.
“We don’t know, Veronica. Keep her safe, Vincent.”
“That goes without saying,” Vince responds, his arm wrapping around my waist protectively. Although there’s a warmth to his words and touch, I can’t help the irritation. As if I can’t keep myself safe. I’m one of the elites of the immortals. Shaking off the disagreeable thoughts I ponder the idea of this rumored drug’s existence.
Something I could take that would rid me of this immortality; the thought lights a need deep within me I didn’t know I had.
I could be a mortal again. I could be mortal like my mate.
A chill stiffens my bones. I used to dream of what my life would have been like if that day in the rainforest almost two hundred years ago had played out differently. With the knowledge I have now, I’m certain it would’ve been fucking awful. Still, I’ve often found myself envious of humans. A small curl to my lips reveals a single fang and I graze the tip of my tongue across the sharp point. If I drank this tainted blood, would I still have my fangs? How long would I live? Long enough to grow old with my mate? A comforting warmth surges through my body at the thought.
I turn slowly in my seat in his direction. He immediately grabs my chair to pull me closer to him. My stomach churns at how cold I was to him just moments ago and so many times in the past few days. He doesn’t deserve how harsh I am toward him. I’m certain of this truth, yet I can’t help my reaction when he pushes me like he has. I know he means well, but I don’t care for it. If I were mortal, though … everything could change. This weight and burden could drift away.
I would give anything to grow old with him. Could I bear children for him? There’s no doubt in my mind that I would trade my immortality tohave a child. I’ve lived long enough and experienced more than most would ever dream of. But the pull between Vince and me … this desire to carry a child, perhaps a wolf like him … I would give anything, drink anything. The temptation weighs heavy on my heart. I need to learn more of this drug. If it’s true, if I could be mortal again, I would sacrifice everything to have it.
“How do you know you’re pregnant? It’s way too early to tell, isn’t it?” I still can’t wrap my head around the idea that Lizzie could be pregnant. That she even said it.
There’s just no way to know that so quickly. It’s not possible.
“Dom and Caleb are convinced. They said they can smell it.”
“They can smell it?” My nose wrinkles slightly and I take in the sight of my best friend sitting at the end of the counter. In gray sweatsand an oversized white T-shirt that I think is Caleb’s, she’s relaxed as can be as she drops this bombshell.
“They’re sure?”
“It’s too early for it to be certain, but that’s what they said.” Pulling the sleeves of my cream sweater over my hands, I keep my fingers tucked inside so I stop picking at the small tear in my jeans. Is she really pregnant? Everything has been too much too fast. I don’t understand why she isn’t freaking out right now.
“I don’t feel any different. I’m just telling you what they said.” She shrugs.