Page 86 of The Beast (Wicked Villains 4)
“You terrify me.”
She grins. “Thank you.”
Cordelia narrows her eyes. “You’re choosing them both.”
“Yes.” I take a slow breath. “Things didn’t work how we had them before, and there’s a reason for that. I think they can work now.”
“If you’re wrong, you’re putting the entire territory at risk.”
I know that. The entire territory and my whole heart. I swallow hard. “I’m not wrong.”
She considers me for a long moment and then sighs. “Well, this is going to make things awkward after this morning.” Cordelia lifts her chin. “I’m not apologizing.”
“I doubt anyone expects you to,” Sienna says as she picks up her book. “We all know better.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Hmmm?” She turns a page.
Cordelia looks at Muriel, but her wife is studying the ceiling as if it holds the mysteries of the universe. “You’re all assholes.”
I clear my throat. “They’re coming for dinner tonight, and then they’re staying.” Actually, I don’t know what the plan is for living arrangements, but I have a permanent suite here in the main house, so as Beast said last night, we’ll likely spend half our time here. Or I suppose I’ll talk to the men and see what they think. Because we’re communicating now, and that means we all get an opinion and will work through each complication. The thought makes me giddy. We can actually make this work.
Cordelia looks like she wants to argue, but finally sighs. “I’m not going to say good job at getting them back here, because I think the cost was too high.”
“The cost of my happiness?”
“You don’t know if you’re going to be happy. It’s too new.”
I have to fight not to roll my eyes. “The three of us have known each other for nearly a decade. I dated them separately for two years. We have plenty of foundation, and none of it is new.”
“Fine,” she snaps. “Forgive me for giving a fuck.”
“Consider yourself forgiven,” I snap back. I open my mouth and then burst out laughing. “This is the most ridiculous fight.”
“Only because you’re ridiculous,” she grumbles. Cordelia waves a hand. “If they’re coming to dinner, we’re making a thing of it. A statement.”
I have to fight down a blush thinking about the statement we made last night. “I’ll leave that to you.”
“Go take a nap and get your head on straight. I need you on your A game tonight, Izzy.”
“Consider it done.”
It’s only when I get up to my room and strip out of my borrowed clothes that I have a chance to wonder if this short time of forced distance will be enough for cold logic to set in with the men. It’s easy to agree to a throuple when we’re all naked and fucking. Will it hold up to the cold light of day?
I turn on my shower and walk back into my room. It’s only then that I realize I left my phone at Gaeton’s. I have no way to call them, no way to reassure myself that they still want this, still want me.
If they show up, I’m going to feel like the biggest asshole for having doubts. I should trust them, should trust the connection I know we all felt.
But I can’t help the shadows creeping around the edges, whispering that this was all a game of vengeance to repay me for the harm done.
Chapter 28
It feels strange walking into this house again. Strange to know that this time, if things go as planned, we won’t be leaving in any permanent way. I glance at Gaeton, but he’s got his arrogant grin in place. That tells me as much as anything. He’s not comfortable, and he’s not sure how this is going to play out. Saying that we want to be together is all well and good, but if Cordelia decides that she isn’t a fan of the idea …
Then we’re left with two options. Take Isabelle and run, cutting her off from her remaining family. Or walk away for good.
I hate both those fucking options, so I’m invested in ensuring no one has to make any tough choices. I brush Gaeton’s arm. “Steady.”
“Steady as a fucking rock.”
The door opens before we get to it, and I nearly miss a step at Sienna Belmonte grinning at us. That expression never means anything good. She stands back and opens the door wide. “Come in, come in. You’re nearly late.”
I exchange a look with Gaeton and we walk through the door. The house looks nearly the same as it did a month ago, which is strange to me. Orsino’s passing from this world should have more physical consequences. There should be more in evidence here. It’s an odd thing to expect; it’s not as if Cordelia’s priorities right now are on redecorating.
Sienna strides down the hall, leaving us to pick up our pace in order not to be left behind. She gives another of those unsettling grins over her shoulder. “I don’t think I have to say it, but I’m a fan of clearly marked action and consequence. As such,” She slows. “If you hurt my sister, I will take you into my lab and make you wish for death before I finally let you cross over. I’m very good, and I can make it last a very long time. Do we understand each other?”