Page 23 of The Beast (Wicked Villains 4)
Right now, we are outside the bedroom.
“You’re doing it again.” He doesn’t lift his voice as he soaps down my body. “Already contemplating breaking the pact?”
Yes, but I will never say as much. Instead I change the subject. “I don’t understand this. Shouldn’t you be telling me to sleep at the foot of the bed, covered in come and weeping openly?”
At that, he looks at me and raises his brows. “Someone’s been reading some interesting fiction.”
Guilty. I flush even as I try to fight down the embarrassment. “That’s not an answer.”
He moves to my hair, soaping it up with intense thoroughness that has me fighting not to close my eyes. “Yes, it is. There are relationships where that sort of thing might be the norm, and that’s those people’s business as long as they’re both consenting. That is not how I operate, and it’s sure as fuck not how Gaeton does, either.” He guides me back beneath the water and rinses my hair and body.
I’m still stewing on that by the time he’s towed me out of the shower and dried me off. I finally snatch the towel from his hands and glare. “How the hell would I know how you operate, Beast? You didn’t operate like this when we were together.”
He doesn’t have the grace to look apologetic. “You’re a smart woman, and quick on your feet. Figure it out.”
If we didn’t need him so much, I might strangle him. I truly might. I start to wrap the towel around my body, but stop when he shakes his head. “What now?”
“While you’re in this apartment, you’re naked unless one of us explicitly orders otherwise.”
I thought my capacity for shock was filled. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. “You can’t be serious.” They implied it in the car, but I thought they were bluffing.
“I am.” He tugs the towel out of my hands, and I let it go. As much as I might fantasize about pushing Beast out a window right now, the truth is that I could never dream to overpower either of these men. The thought both thrills me and fills me with dread.
I hate to admit it, but I am in over my head.
It’s a fight not to cover myself with my hands. They’ve already seen every bit of me. Clutching at modesty now would be silly and serve no purpose but to further humiliate me. Part of me wants to do it anyways.
Instead, I follow Beast back into the room to find that Gaeton has changed the sheets as requested. He’s tucking them in with a military precision and glances up as we walk through the door. His gaze travels from me to Beast and back again, and he seems to come to some conclusion. “We all sleep here tonight.”
The faintest tension works its way through Beast’s body. “Making some assumptions, aren’t you?”
Gaeton gives an arrogant grin. “By all means, sleep on the couch if you’re too precious to share a bed with me. Or, better yet, go home.”
If he goes home, I’ll be alone with Gaeton, and there’s no way we’re going to avoid having an uncomfortable conversation if that happens. The thought should make me happy, but it panics me instead. I stride to the bed and climb into it. I can feel Beast’s attention zero in on my ass, and so I take my time crawling to the headboard. I turn around and slither under the sheets in the middle of the massive mattress. He’s still staring, still on the edge of leaving. Damn it.
I prop myself up on my hands, well aware that the position arches my back and offers up my breasts. “Do what you have to do, Beast. I’m sure we’ll figure out a way to entertain ourselves while you’re gone.”
Irritation flickers over his face before he shuts it down. “You two are a pain in the ass.”
“That’s my line.” Gaeton booms out a laugh at the disgruntled look on Beast’s face. “Pipe down. I’m not going to maul you in the night.” I almost laugh at that, but he turns dark eyes on me. “You, I make no promises about.”
Despite my exhaustion, my heartbeat kicks up a notch. “What?”
“Tomorrow you’re going to wake up with my tongue in your pussy, Isabelle.” He doesn’t move toward the bed, for all the lusty threat in his tone. “You ready for that?”
Is this a trick question? As much as they’re tormenting me, the truth is that they’re tormenting me with pleasure. I came harder tonight than I have in longer than I can remember, and neither of them fucked me. I can take whatever they dish out as long as there’s orgasms involved. “Do your worst.”
“Oh, baby, I fully intend on it.” He stalks to the bed and climbs under the covers. Suddenly the massive mattress seems significantly smaller.