Page 11 of The Beast (Wicked Villains 4)
Every part of me balks at the idea of belonging to anyone. Freedom is the only god I truly worship. It always has been. “You don’t own me.”
“For the next two weeks we do.” Beast tightens his grip on my wrists, nearly grinding the bones together, but that feeling is nowhere near as intense as his gaze drilling into me. Like he’s dragging away every protection I’ve spent years building around myself. “Lick her pussy, Gaeton. Fuck her with your tongue the way I know you’re dying to.”
Gaeton drags the flat of his tongue over me from top to bottom. I don’t know what I expected, but he doesn’t rush. He traces every part of my pussy as if reacquainting himself. As if claiming me. I open my mouth, but I can’t remember what role I’m supposed to play. Pleasure steals my words, steals my very thoughts, leaving only the animal behind. I try to arch up to bring him closer. “My clit. Suck on my clit.”
Just like that, his mouth is gone and he delivers a stinging slap to my clit. I scream more from surprise than pain. “What the hell?”
“You don’t give the orders, Isabelle.” The words sound almost dragged from Gaeton. “You’d do well to remember that.”
I’m still working on coming up with a retort when the door swings open. All three of us freeze as a man walks in. He’s beautiful in an old school Hollywood sort of way, all square jaw and fresh face, with the body of a Greek god. He also looks furious and ready to punch something. “You two know better than to play non-con with a newbie. It’s not sanctioned.”
Neither Beast nor Gaeton move, which means I can’t move. This man I’ve never met is seeing every single part of me and I have absolutely no control over it. I wiggle as much as I’m able. “Let me up.”
“No,” they answer together.
Beast considers this intruder. “She’s fine.”
The man lifts his chin though he seems to be fighting not to drop his gaze to me. “All the same, the rules are the rules.”
I try to shift, but neither man is letting me up. Gaeton finally gives the stranger a lazy smile. “If you’re so concerned, Hercules, why don’t you sit in and watch? You think it goes too far, you call a stop to it.”
The man—Hercules—freezes. “That’s not how it works.”
If anything, Gaeton’s grin widens. “Call Hades. Get permission.”
I don’t understand what’s going on here. I had my warning from Megaera earlier. I don’t get why this man is here, why he’s calling Hades to … get permission to watch whatever Gaeton and Beast have planned for me?
Humiliation sears my skin. I want to curl into a ball and cover myself as best I’m able, and here I am, splayed out at their whim. We all watch Hercules use the phone on the wall to make a call. He doesn’t say much, but his conflicted expression tells me everything I need to know.
Hades agreed.
“No.” I yank on my arms, but Beast only presses me harder to the floor. “I don’t want an audience.” Do I?
“Too bad, princess.” Beast seems to approve of this new development. “Sit on the chair right there, Hercules.”
The man obeys, but he’s glaring. “You are not my Dom and I am not part of this scene.”
“Noted.” Beast gives a small smile. “But it’d be a shame if you didn’t take a moment to appreciate Isabelle’s pussy.”
I blink up at Beast. My skin has to be a deep red from the blush coursing through my body, hot and unpleasant. He is so careless with my pride, as if he wants to crush it beneath his heel. I have years of instinct demanding I close my legs, hide from this new experience. “Stop.”
“Tell me your safe word, Isabelle.” Gaeton slides his hands up the tops of my thighs and drags this thumbs over my pussy.
Every time he reminds me that I’m choosing this, I get hotter, more confused. I blink down at him. “Candlestick.”
“Good girl.” He gives my pussy another meandering stroke. “Do you want to use it?”
Do I want this to end? I can’t decide. I’m so confused by my body’s response, I’m shaking and they’ve barely touched me. Somehow I’m shaking more because we have an audience. I promised them honesty, but I don’t even know what the honest answer is.
All I know is that I’m not ready for this to stop. “No, I don’t want to use it,” I whisper.
“Mmm.” Gaeton glances at our audience. “Look, Hercules. She’s so pretty and pink and she’s practically weeping for my cock.” To my endless mortification, the second Hercules’s gaze drops to where Gaeton is spreading my pussy with his fingers, I’m certain I can actually feel myself get wetter.
“She’s been playing the part of the untouchable princess, but it turns out she’s a little slut who wants us to force her to the floor and fuck her rough.” Beast speaks almost conversationally, as if he’s not describing wanton acts. As if he’s not trotting out my shame in explicit detail.