Page 34 of A Worthy Opponent (Wicked Villains 3)
I stare.
There are clean up kits in each room. Getting dirty goes with the territory, and most people won’t necessarily want to wander the club with various messes on them. Hook took it one step farther. Not only did he get wet cloths, but he ensured they’d still be warm when he got back to me.
I don’t…I don’t know how to slot this new information.
“You did well tonight.” He’s taking his time, seeming to enjoy touching me as much as I’m enjoying this strangely intimate moment.
“I didn’t do anything except take it.”
He shoots me a look. “You know that’s not true.”
Yeah, I suppose I do. I try for a laugh, but it comes out a little hoarse. “You know, if you’re trying to convince me that I need your cock, having me filled with three other people probably isn’t the way to go.”
“Mmmm.” He presses the cloth to my pussy, making me jerk. I look up to find him watching me with that cocky grin on his face. “None of their cocks are mine, Tink. For all intents and purposes, they were tonight, but we both know who you were really craving.”
“I don’t know. Gaeton is pretty stacked. Malone has more cocks than anyone else I know. And there’s Beast’s pretty jewelry. A girl likes options.”
His smile doesn’t so much as flicker. “And yet you called my name when you lost control.”
Chapter 11
Tink doesn’t want to stay here. It doesn’t mean anything. There are dozens of reasons for that to be true, and none of them reflect on how she feels about me. I don’t give a fuck. Tonight she’ll be in my bed. Tonight, and every other night, stretching out into the future.
At least until this ends.
She climbs to her feet, and I reach out to steady her. She shies away before I make contact. “I’m fine.”
Of course she is. She’s always fine, always determined to do it on her own. I understand, at least in theory. For years, she had no independence of her own, her will crushed under Peter’s thumb. She gained plenty of strength while living here. It stands to reason that she won’t want to give any of it up, even on the small battles. “Letting people help you isn’t a sign of weakness.”
“Isn’t it?” She steps back, her eyes downcast, and pulls the blanket more firmly around her. “Let’s just go.”
I broke down barriers with this scene. I fucking know I did. But here she is, building them back up as fast as she can. If we leave now, she’ll retreat. By morning, we’ll be farther away than we started today.
“Tink.” I love the way her name feels coming out of my mouth. Like a secret, sinful and dark.
I love her reactions even more.
She spins on me, a finger raised to poke my chest. “You heard me when I said—”
I catch her wrist and bring the offending finger to my mouth. Her jaw drops as I suck hard for a moment before releasing. “We’re not done.”
“The hell we aren’t!”
I walk to the couch and drop onto it, watching her all the while. Her glare is something truly outstanding to behold. I motion to the door. “You want to leave? Leave. I’m sure you’ll find somewhere to go.” It’s more than a little cruel to remind her that she needs me, but I’m feeling more than a little cruel right now. If Tink would take a moment to look around and gauge the situation, she’d see that I’m not the enemy. I’ve never been the enemy. Not hers, at least.
Fuck, for once, I just want her to see me.
She gives a truly impressive snarl. “I’m not crawling to you.”
“Not tonight. But you will—and soon.”
“How is there any space left in this room with your ego?”
I crook a finger at her, enjoying the way her brows slash down in response. “Come here.”
“Fuck off.” Despite her words, she crosses the distance between us in hesitant steps, as if her body and mind are at war.
I take her hand and give a tug. She rolls her eyes, but allows me to pull her down to straddle my lap. I hold her gaze as I smooth my palms up her thighs to her hips. She looks like she wants to tell me to fuck off again, but she’s already going soft beneath my touch. I press my fingers to the small of her back, urging her closer until her hips are flush against mine. “Tell me your favorite part of tonight.”
“I’m not really into recaps.”
I nip her bottom lip, hard enough that she gasps against my mouth. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“Fine.” She shifts against me, rubbing against my cock and shivering. “I …”
The truth wars with lies, all of it right there on her face for anyone who cares to look. It’s a testament of how rattled she still is, because normally she hides her thoughts better than this. “Close your eyes.” I wait for her to obey to continue. “Now. Stop thinking so hard and tell me what you favorite part was.”