Page 19 of A Worthy Opponent (Wicked Villains 3)
Tink didn’t come here because she was so delighted by the idea of marrying me that she couldn’t resist saying yes. Peter said something to her to make her think she wouldn’t be safe living outside of the Underworld. I want to know what. She had resources to live on her own. I’ve tried not to follow her life too closely, but even I can’t escape what a success she’s become with her clothing shit. I’m honestly surprised Hades is letting her fly the coop. Between his club and the fact that most major players in Carver City actively invite Tink into their homes to style them, he had unsurpassed access to people and information.
Now half of that belongs to me, at least in theory. It could be an incredible resource for the territory if we live through the coming conflict with Peter. If I can convince her to stay once the threat of him has passed.
Despite myself, I think back to the scene waiting for me when I walked out of the bathroom. The little tease was fingering herself on my bed, and all it’d taken to get her to that point was a little peep show in the shower. I grin. Under other circumstances, convincing Tink I’m one hell of a catch, convincing her to stay, would be a fun little journey.
Unfortunately, we don’t have time for that shit right now. I need her on my side, and I need her there now.
“I want everyone talking about this marriage. Everyone, Colin. We make sure Peter knows, and I want him to know as soon as possible.” Rumors aren’t enough, though. That’s why it’s doubly important to go public in the most spectacular way possible. It’ll draw him out of whatever hole he’s been hiding in. He knows this area better than I do, even after all this time, and he’s got people hiding him from me. If I can’t come to him, I have to make him furious enough to come to me.
I stole his power. I stole his territory. Now I’ve stolen his woman.
I turn my attention to Nigel to find a muscle ticking in his jaw. “You have something to say.”
Anyone else would pussyfoot around. Nigel is family. He sits back and narrows his eyes. “It’s shitty to bring her back into this.”
Ah. Here we are. “She was always in it. She never got out.”
“That’s bullshit and you know it. She had a chance to go straight, and you pulled her right back into the muck with us.”
I should have known Nigel would fall on this side of the line. He’s always had a soft spot for Tink, so much so that he took more than a few beatings as the result of trying to step between her and Peter. He never learned that trying to intervene just made shit worse for her. He still hasn’t learned it.
I hold his gaze. “You either stand with me or you don’t. It’s as simple as that.”
“You know I have your back.”
Yeah, I do. Which is why I have to take care of this now. Nigel isn’t one for divided loyalties. Doubting me will eat him up inside until he does something noble but ill advised. I lean forward. “I didn’t haul her here over my shoulder and hold a gun to her head while she said her vows. She showed up. She took the bargain. She married me. That’s the only truth that matters. We have bigger problems right now than Tink’s pride.”
For a second, it looks like he might argue, but he finally jerks his chin down in a movement that’s almost a nod. It’s enough. I push to my feet. “I’m taking her to the Underworld tonight to go public with the marriage. Tomorrow, she integrates with the rest of the household. While everyone is focused on her, you keep sniffing for the traitors who are hiding Peter. If we find them first, Tink won’t have to play a role.”
This time, Nigel’s nod was stronger. “We still don’t know there are people hiding Peter.”
“Yes, we do.” Our last three gun shipments into Carver City had been stolen, and every person of mine onboard killed. I knew Peter was behind it, but that slippery bastard is never where I expect him to be. Every time I go on the attack, he disappears into thin air. He’s making a fool of me, and I’ll be damned before I let it continue.
So I’ll make him come to me.
With Tink in my house, in my bed, he won’t be able to stop himself for long. And when he does, I’ll do exactly what I promised and give Tink his head on a platter. In the meantime, I’ll put on a show destined to get his attention.
“Double the escort to Hades’s territory, but do it subtly. I don’t want to deal with an attack, but we can’t look like we’re scared.”