Page 10 of Wild Mustang’s Fierce Determination
He cries out and a moment later, I feel him pulsing inside me.
“Yes!” I cry, grinding my hips crazily on him and digging my fingernails into his ass to pull him deep. “Cum inside me! Oh God, Stone,yes!”
I don’t know why it feels so special when it is finished inside me. I mean, I know why it feels good to bring a man to orgasm. I just don’t know why it feels so emotionally fulfilling, like by making him cum inside me, I’m slowly making him mine.
I guess the simplest explanation really is the most accurate one. I want him to be mine. Not just for tonight, not just as a distraction, and not just as stress relief. I want him to be mine, now and for always.
I love him.
The thought is so powerful it drives the breath from my lungs and I collapse under him as he gasps and moans and shudders with the strength of his orgasm.
When he’s finished, he lays atop me, spent and I hold him close as we regain our breath. The weight of him is crushing and almost terrifying but I cling to that feeling, drinking in the feeling of his skin pressed against mine and his strong manly scent in my nostrils.
“Please stay with me,” I whisper. “Don’t leave.”
“I’ll stay with you,” he says. “I’ll stay right here.”
He rolls over and I roll with him so my head rests on his chest and one of my legs is draped over his. I close my eyes and fall asleep to the gentle rise and fall of his chest.
I love him.
A run just for pleasure is long overdue. As my hooves thunder over the dirt, that thought comes to me. Horse shifters are unique in a few ways. The first is just that we pretty much keep control of our minds when shifted. It’s a lot like a human mind in a horse body. Most shifters are much more affected. In fact, wolf shifters spend years training so that when they shift into a wolf they don’t turn into vicious killers. I’m not sure why it is that a horse shifter must train so hard to control when his shift happens but needs almost no training to control his mind after the shift while a wolf can shift into a wolf and back effortlessly from day one but needs years of training to control himself while he’s a wolf but that’s the way it is.
Second, almost all shifters are far larger in animal form than their standard animal counterparts. A tiger shifter ends up a lot closer in size to a rhinoceros or even an elephant. Eagles end up like the Eagles that carry wizards and their friends in that fantasy movie. I don’t know how big natural dragons are, but the shifter versions are enormous.
Not so for horses.
We’re much larger than natural (and that’s not the right word) horses. You can think of that in terms of humans. Think six-five or six-six. Those humans are tall but not out of the realm of possibility right? Well, it’s like that for horse shifters regardless of the particular kind of horse a person shifts into. I’m a mustang,
Well, I call myself a mustang.
We all do since there aren’t any of us in the old world. The closes breed of horse to what I am is long extinct but there were among the horses the Spanish brought to the new world (from which all natural mustangs are descended) Iberian horses closer to our shifted form. The whole reason there are mustangs in the first place is because all of my ancestors came to the new world and once here, we made sure abandoned horses or horses who lost riders in battle ended up on the plains.
So, I’m running along a dirt road. Anyone who sees me might think I’m a feral horse or might just think I’ve lost my rider. Nobody will think I’m too large to be a normal horse. Nobody will know what’s going on in my head, that I’m thinking about how this run is long overdue.
Of course, it isn’t all for pleasure, as much as I want to pretend it is.
This girl… I hate turning my life into a cliché but it’s damned hard to pretend this girl isn’t the most important thing imaginable in my world. I’m head over hooves for her right now. Running helps me to process that. Of course, there’s the fire as well. That’s a terrifying thing I don’t even want to think about. It’s damned strange to realize I almost lost my friend. It’s all but impossible to comprehend, actually. It makes me realize we need to spend more time together.
I mean every one of my friends. I need to make them a priority.
My run can’t be as long as I’d like and when I see my truck, I slow my gallop and finally stop. I shift and open the door for my clothes. Lunch with Kellie is next on my list. It doesn’t take long to get dressed. Some shifters need a few minutes to get acquainted with their human body again. That never happens to me. As I pull my belt on and buckle up, I get a sudden vision of going on a run with Kellie on my back. It’s an oddly beautiful feeling.
Riding a horse shifter is the kind of privilege almost no human ever gets. There’s no real way to explain what it costs us in terms of pride. Other shifters are actually more likely to be ridden by a human. After all, what human wouldn’t want to ride a tiger or a lion? Since those animals don’t know what it means to be broken for a saddle, the idea doesn’t bring instant offense the way it might to a horse. That image in my head just reinforces what I already know. Hooves are overhead for this girl, no doubt.
I drive from the fields and make my way to the diner for our lunch. I can feel my heart beating faster with the thought of her. I actually kind of feel like a high school kid about to pick up a girl for the homecoming dance. It’s nerve-wracking but it’s a beautiful feeling. I park and enter the diner and when she smiles at me from a booth, I almost embarrass myself. Thankfully, I manage to walk to her rather than running as fast as I can.
I sit across from her, and she leans across the table and kisses me. It’s a small token of affection—the kind a wife might show her husband of fifteen years when they meet out for a nice dinner. The intimacy of it only strengthens the feelings I have for her.
I feel the usual pang of unease and guilt that comes with dating someone whose word means the difference between my friend getting to rebuild his life or losing everything, but that feeling fades quickly and I’m able to focus on the meal without feeling like I’m betraying anyone.
Kellie, on the other hand, seems distracted. More than once, I have to repeat a question and when she does answer, it’s a distracted one-word response that doesn’t always match the question.
Finally, I ask, “Is everything okay? You seem kind of far away today.”