Page 145 of Cruel Abandon (Fallen Royals 5)
I don’t know what to say to that.
And really, it’s kind of infuriating. I’m not sure why everyone thinks I have the magic code to unlock all the answers of this freaking case.
“Just, please talk to them,” she says. “I’ll let you go. It sounds crowded where you are.”
I roll my eyes and grip Liam’s hand tighter. “Right. I’ll talk to them today.”
Once I set my phone down, I fill Liam in on her request.
He barks out a laugh, then frowns. “They’re pig-headed when they think someone knows something and doesn’t come forward.”
I grimace. “I literally have trauma-induced amnesia from my childhood. A complex PTSD diagnosis. What do they want from me?”
He sighs, shaking his head, and pulls out his phone.
“Oh fuck,” he says.
I raise my eyebrows. “What?”
“I had my phone on silent, and I have missed calls from Theo, Caleb, and Eli. Shit.”
He dials and waits. Then, “Sorry, sorry. Yeah, I’ve been fucking busy. What’s up?”
I try to dissect his expression, but he’s not giving me much. Whichever one he called must be chatty, because he’s silent for almost a full minute.
Finally, he says, “Okay, yeah, I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He ends the call and meets my stare. “Sorry. Theo needs my help with something. I can take you back to the apartment, but I don’t think this is something you’ll want to be involved in.”
“Ms. Buckley?”
We both swivel toward the man coming at us. He’s familiar, but not enough that I can immediately place him.
Liam, however, stands abruptly. “Detective.”
I narrow my eyes. He’s not showing a badge. In fact, he seems rather dressed down: a black jacket, black knit cap, dark jeans, and hiking boots. His light-brown goatee is mixed with gray.
“To what do we owe this pleasure?” Liam asks. “And how the hell did you find us?”
He shrugs. “I’m a detective. Finding people is half the job.”
I snort.
He turns to me and smiles. “Skylar.”
I stand, hovering awkwardly a half step behind Liam. He hasn’t moved over, and I get the impression that he has no plans on doing that.
“You should be going through her lawyer,” Liam points out.
The man I can only assume is Detective Masters raises his hands in surrender. “I’m not here on official business.”
“Then why are you here?” I blurt out.
He motions for the table. “Do you mind if we sit?”
Liam wavers.
I tap his arm. “Listen, it’s okay. I can fend for myself.”
He doesn’t want to leave, and I can totally understand that. I don’t necessarily want him to leave, either.