Page 125 of Cruel Abandon (Fallen Royals 5)
Her friends. Her roommate.
“A ransom means Whitney is alive.” I step away from Mom. “That… that should give us hope.”
She nods once, but warily. “Hope is a dangerous thing, Liam. Just remember that.”
I head back for the basement, to my girl.
That thought knocks me back. My girl. And then, in a split second, I embrace it. I already called her mine once, to her face. What’s wrong with admitting it to myself?
She’s always been mine.
She’ll always be mine.
And nothing—and no one—will take her away from me.
Once, I wanted to be normal.
I dreamt of going to school, studying, having a boyfriend. I wanted the apartment in the city, a good number of friends—whatever that meant—and… happiness.
That’s not what I got.
This is our third night in Stone Ridge, and I’ve had nightmares both previous nights. It’s gotten to the point where I’m afraid to close my eyes, and Mom’s even more on edge than she used to be.
Those boxes in the back of my mind, the ones with the memories in them? They’re tearing. Darkness is slipping out, poisoning the rest of my thoughts.
It’s almost one o’clock in the morning, and my light is on. It’s a steady, warm yellow glow that keeps me company until I cannot fathom keeping my eyes open for a second longer. Tonight I’m reading and forcing myself to not stare through my window toward Liam’s house. I can’t help but notice his light is off. The whole Morrison house is dark.
My phone vibrates, and I jump.
Liam: Come outside.
I immediately quiver.
I haven’t seen him since he took me into the woods, and I think… I think I had a nightmare. He was there. Or maybe I was still in dreamland, wishing he was next to me. I only remember the sway of his steps, and his breath, and his lips touching my knuckles.
When I woke up, I was home. In my bed.
That was yesterday, and Liam never appeared. To be fair, I didn’t reach out to him, either. We both seemed to get stuck with the universe between us.
Me: It’s cold out there.
It snowed yesterday. I sat in the picture window in our upstairs hallway and watched it fall.
Mom’s been working, his parents have been working. We could’ve been hanging out together.
I’ve sorted through all the boxes in my room, kept aside two that I plan on taking to Liam’s apartment. The rest of the stuff will be donated or sold.
Liam: Fine, then let me in.
I don’t smile, but… I almost do. And that’s what counts. I secretly think Mom has been trying to see a smile on my face for the last few days, because when I see her, she makes these remarks. And they should be funny, they should be amusing, but everything falls flat.
“No need,” Liam whispers, pushing my door open. “Your back door was unlocked.”
I rise on my knees, setting the book aside. “What? Anyone could sneak in.”