Page 136 of Wicked Promises (Fallen Royals 3)
“They’re out of town.” I grab my phone and pull up a photo my aunt posted on Facebook. The picture is of her and Uncle David on a beach somewhere. He’s moody—a remnant of his drowning modeling career—and she’s beaming.
“How can she look so… happy with him?”
I shrug. “I’m pretty sure she’s acting.”
She frowns.
I lean in close, until my nose touches hers. “As long as you never put on an act like she does, we’ll be okay.”
She sucks in a breath, and my heart skips. I could listen to her little reactions for the rest of my life and be happy.
Her dark eyes meet mine. “As long as you don’t put on your mask, we’ll be okay.”
“You just want me vulnerable.”
“Yep.” She pops the p, then winks.
The bell rings, and she flinches.
Students flood out into the hall, but we remain where we are. She takes a step back and crosses her arms. She’s trying to hide again, but I know she’s afraid to go into my aunt and uncle’s house.
“They’re gone. The house will be empty,” I reason. “And since I have practice…”
“God,” she moans. “I hate you.”
Robert clears his throat. “Are you waiting on me, kiddo?”
She spins around. “Oh, um, no. Riley is going to give me a ride. I think we’re going to do homework at her house.”
He smiles. “Okay. Just let Lenora know, okay?”
“Will do.”
I follow her down the hall and tug her to a stop outside of the athletic wing. “I’ve gotta go.”
“I’m just going to get changed. We’ll discuss this in a few minutes.”
She nods curtly, and I leave her standing there. She’ll need to be brave—but I have a feeling Riley will be able to help with that.
Besides, we need answers.
I get changed quickly, meeting up with Theo. Eli and Liam are in the far corner.
“Eli said he wasn’t in the mood for whatever bullshit I had in mind,” Theo says. “So, you’re with me.”
Lucky me.
“What suicide run are we doing today?” I ask, lacing my sneakers.
He just grins.
Coach walks into the locker room, pounding on one of the metal doors to get our attention. “Remember: do not run alone. I want five miles, and you log what time you come back on this sheet. Got it?”
“Yes, Coach,” we all call.
“Great. Now get out of here.”