Page 111 of Wicked Promises (Fallen Royals 3)
“Rumor had it that you croaked.” She stops in front of me.
I laugh. “I guess they got that one wrong.”
“Hmm.” She looks me up and down. “You might consider bangs.”
My eyebrow jumps, and my face flushes. “Why, to cover the barely visible scar? I’m not that petty.”
She smiles. “It might help avoid the staring, you know?”
I lean against the wall, crossing one ankle over the other. “I’ve been meaning to ask, how’s life at the top of the pyramid? Still holding Amelie’s spot until she gets back?”
She grits her teeth. “I’m not a placeholder.”
“You’re at the top because Riley and I helped put you there.” I straighten, taking a step toward her. To my utter shock, she backs up. “Just remember that, Sav. Those who give can also take.”
“Are you threatening me?” Her voice bounces around the quiet hall.
“Me?” I wink at her. “Am I crazy enough for that?”
“Freak,” she says under her breath. She rushes around me, hurrying down the hall.
I’ll admit: it was satisfying to watch her squirm. And I didn’t even have to think too much about the buttons to push. She’s always played second fiddle to Amelie, and she didn’t have the guts to go after what she wanted alone.
The office door opening catches my attention.
Lenora and Robert walk out, saying their goodbyes.
Lenora grins at me. “Ready?”
“Absolutely.” We head out. I almost expect something to have happened to the car while we were inside—someone keying it or popping the tires—but it seems the same.
I wonder when I should tell them about going to see my dad. If I should even mention it.
We make it all the way back home before Lenora smacks her forehead. “Should I have taken you to the Blacks’ house? Would you prefer to be there?”
“No,” I say, hopping out. “They’re at work.”
She nods. “Okay, great. I do have to head into the office for a little while today, otherwise I think I’ll be without a job myself. But you two can finally have your movie marathon day.”
“We stocked up on popcorn,” Robert tells me. “And a cleaning company is coming over this afternoon to take care of your room.”
I nod, swallowing. I just won’t think about the room or what’s written up there. I’m still trying to figure out where I’ve heard pretty bird before…
We go inside. I realize halfway through to the kitchen that I’ve been holding my breath. I let it out in one shallow exhale, reminding myself to breathe.
Robert is a bit slower on his feet, but we busy ourselves making popcorn and hot chocolate. A weird combination, but he insists that we can have both. And then we each take our separate corners on the couch, blankets on our laps, and settle in for a weird, happy day of movies.
My day starts with a phone call from my mother.
The harsh buzzing managed to wake up only me, not the octopus wrapped around me. I hit the button to silence it, then managed to dislodge Margo’s arms and untangle her legs from mine.
“Hang on,” I say into the phone. I put it on mute while I yank on my jeans. I trot upstairs as quietly as possible, then unmute her. “Good morning, Mother.”
“Caleb,” she sniffs. “Something bad has happened.”