Page 46 of Torn (All Torn Up 1)
His face is still all concern and worry as he follows me into my room and watches me put my shoes on. “Are you sure you feel okay? I’m worried about you driving after you’ve been sick.”
I cock my head at him. “Dad. This has nothing to do with me having a cold and everything to do with you worried about me being in a car alone.”
“Driving is dangerous.”
“So is walking. And stairs. Shit, people die in their sleep! Or choking on food!”
He rubs his head and stares at me. “Yeah…true. I knew that bubble I wanted to put you in was a good idea. It’s not too late, ya know,” he says with a smirk.
“Dad, stop. I’ll be fine. You said yourself all the times you took me out to practice that I’m a good driver.”
Sighing, he crosses his arms and leans against my dresser. “You’re right. Just pay attention. I want your cell phone on the passenger seat next to you and not in your hand. At all. Don’t even look at it.”
“I promise.”
“And don’t blast the music too loud, you won’t be able to hear the cars around you.”
I quirk an eyebrow at him. “Seriously? This coming from a rock god? Loud music is in my blood.”
“Fine. Just not too loud, then. And make sure it’s good music and not shit.”
Laughing, I agree. “Okay. I promise. Please don’t worry. I won’t embarrass you with any bad music choices.”
“Where are you going? I don’t want you to go too far you’re first time alone. And make sure you have a full tank of gas.”
“I’m only going to Tor’s to see the dog. I’m so glad he kept him, he’s the sweetest dog ever. Do you think we can get a dog?” I ask for what must be the millionth time since I was about ten years old. “There are so many at Mrs. Grace’s shelter…”
“No, you have a rabbit that’s almost a hundred years old,” he glances over at Snuggles in her cage. “I travel too much to have a dog and I don’t want you strapped down with another pet right now while you’re figuring out what you want to do next. I want you to be free to do whatever you want. You can go and love on Tor’s dog anytime you want.”
What do I want to do next? I still have no idea.
I snatch up my phone and my new shiny keyring and head downstairs with him right behind me. When we reach the foyer, I turn to face him and he practically slams right into me. He’s severely hovering.
“Dad, I’ll be fine. Stop being a helicopter. I’ve been riding my bicycle to Tor’s house and all over town since I was eleven years old. I think the car is probably much safer. I’ll text you when I get there, and when I leave, and when I get home.”
That gets me his famous smile. “Deal. I’ll be in the studio most of the day working some new vocals, so I’ll be able to focus better if I know you’re safe and sound.”
“Don’t work too hard. And I can’t wait to hear your new stuff. I know it’s going to be amazing. As always.” I kiss his cheek. “I’ll see you in a little while.”
As soon as I get in my new Jeep I’m tempted to take a selfie to send to Chloe but I stop myself. I promised Dad no cell phone shenanigans in the car, and even though I’m technically still parked in the driveway, I’m going to stick to my word.
At least about the cell phone. I do blast my favorite music pretty damn loud on the fifteen-minute drive over to Tor’s house. What’s the point of having a kick ass stereo system if you don’t use it?
Usually I let myself into his house with my own key but I feel odd doing that now, so I knock. Hearing the dog bark makes me smile and I wonder if he’ll remember me.
The door opens a few seconds later and when he’s smiling down at me, everything feels normal again. He’s wearing my purple heart beanie, and I’m wearing his old Guns n’ Roses t-shirt I stole last year. We’re us again. His gaze shifts behind me to his driveway and he breaks out into a bigger grin.
“You finally got your car. Jeeps are nice. Good choice.”
“Yup! I love it.”
“It’s cool. White suits you, Angel. I could hear you coming from way down the street, though. I figured Ash would make sure you had the best sound system.”
“Don’t even start,” I tease, nudging by him where I’m immediately greeted by a mass of white fur and a tongue. I kneel down and the dog is all happy wiggles, wagging his huge flume of a tail and licking my face. His back leg is in a blue cast, but he seems to be getting around okay with it.