Page 147 of Torn (All Torn Up 1)
Tor: It’s not, Angel. I should have talked to him when this first started. Or just never let this happen at all. I knew all along there wouldn’t be a happy ending.
My heart clenches like a fist has grabbed hold of it and my stomach sinks at his words. If he retreats back into the mindset that we shouldn’t be together, my heart will shatter into a million pieces.
Me: What are you saying? Are you giving up on us?
Tor: I’ll never give up on us. I just don’t know what to do. I can’t come between you and your father. That will eat me alive and you’ll eventually resent me.
Me: I could never resent you. I love you.
Tor: I love you, too. I just need to think. And so do you.
Me: That’s all I’ve been doing. I want to see you.
Tor: I want to see you too but let’s wait until later today. Let me get cleaned up and clear my head. There’s something else I have to tell you.
Me: Okay…
Tor: Asher loaned me the money for this house. It was a cheap fixer upper when I bought it. He wants all the money owed or he wants me out in two weeks. I’m going to have to move.
Me: What?! He’s taking your house away? I can’t believe he would do that. I’ll talk to him.
My God. How could my father turn so cruel? Can he really hate Tor just like that? After being best friends their entire lives? I cannot even fathom that.
Tor: Please don’t. I’d rather not be owing him anything anymore.
Me: I’m devastated about this. I’m so disappointed in him.
Tor: Don’t be. He loves you. Trust me, I expected all of this and worse. I have to go shower and change before Tris gets here. I’ll call you as soon as I get home. Please don’t worry, Angel. I love you. We’ll figure something out.
I crumble again after our texting. I finally give in and call Chloe, spilling out the entire story in between hysterical crying spurts. She listens patiently while I ramble in mostly jumbled and incoherent sentences.
“Wow,” she says when I’m done. “I wish you had talked to me sooner, Kenzi, rather than going through this alone. What do you think friends are for?”
“I’m sorry…I was afraid to tell anyone.”
“I understand now. I probably would have done the same. But damn, you slept with the walking orgasm? I need to just let my imagination run with that for a few minutes.”
I let out a little laugh, which I know is the response she was aiming for. “Still focusing on sex?” I try to tease back.
“Sadly, yes. Is he as good as I imagine he must be? I mean that body…that voice…that hair…those eyes. All that ink…”
“Chloe. Stop.”
“Come on, give me something here and then we can get off the subject of his hotness.”
Sighing, I can’t keep the grin off my face as memories of making love with him cycle through my mind. “Fine. He’s amazing, Chloe. Not that I have anything to compare him to other than books and movies, but yeah. He’s extremely romantic and sensual, and he pretty much turns me to mush in every way possible. Happy now?”
“Damn. I hate you right now.”
“I mean that in the most loving way possible. I’m very jealous. But also happy for you. You deserve someone like him. And seriously, Kenz, I saw this coming for miles. You two have been attached at the hip for like your entire life. His eyes literally dazzle when he looks at you and you look like you’re going to melt when you look at him. It was obvious as fuck.”
“Really? It was that noticeable?”
“I definitely caught the vibe.”
I wonder how many other people could tell something was going on between us? How did my parents not notice if everyone else did? Or could they just not even fathom that anything could be growing between us?
“I’m so confused, Chloe. I don’t know what to do. My dad is so pissed and heartbroken over this. I’ve never seen him this angry. And he beat the shit out of Tor. You know my father – he can’t stand fighting or violence in any way.”
“Yeah but you’re his little girl. That changes everything.”
“I guess you’re right. And I had no idea that he loaned Tor the money for his house.”
“It sounds like over the years your Dad really did everything he could for Toren. Paying for his lawyers, helping his business, making sure he got all the royalties he’s owed, helping him get a house. Him finding out that Tor was sexually involved with his daughter must seem like a massive betrayal for him. How could it not?”
“But its not just sexual, Chloe. We love each other and want to spend our lives together. It’s not some kind of fling. This is real.”