Page 48 of No Tomorrow
His arm instantly snakes around me, distracting me from the paper, and I drop it as he pulls me back down next to him, molding his body against mine.
“Stay,” he murmurs. “I hate when you leave in the middle of the night.”
I hate it, too, but I’ve never been able to bring myself to stay overnight in the shed. I’m afraid of getting caught by the police and arrested for trespassing. I’m even more afraid of the spiders that might be waiting for me to fall asleep so they can come out and do whatever scary shit spiders do. I’m afraid I’ll have to pee in the middle of the night. And then again in the morning when I wake. Traipsing out into the edge of the yard and squatting amongst the weeds and trees sucks.
This is the first time he’s ever asked me to stay, though, and I hope it’s a sign he’s becoming more attached to me and doesn’t want to let me go. Technically, there’s no reason I can’t stay overnight. I don’t have to be at work tomorrow, and I know Archie has enough food and water to hold him over until I get home. For sure, my mother will worry if she realizes I never came home, but I’m an adult and can stay out all night if I want to, whether she likes it or not. It was part of the agreement when I moved downstairs that they would allow me to be independent and not pry too much.
Settling back into Blue’s arms, I pull the blanket back over us before all the heat of sex escapes.
“I love you like there’s no tomorrow. Don’t ever forget that,” he says with his chin against my shoulder. My heart swells in my chest as it does every time he says those special words. Hugging his arm tighter to my chest, I say it back, even though I’m sure he’s already sound asleep. Unfortunately, sleep doesn’t come as easy for me as it does for him. The fear of looming bugs hinders me from relaxing enough to close my eyes.
“Acorn,” I whisper, and he lifts his head from his fleece dog bed in the corner to look at me questioningly. “Come here, puppy.” I pat the bed next to me, and when he happily trots over, I lift the edge of the blanket for him to crawl in beside me. He licks my hand before making himself cozy next to me under the covers. Sighing, I feel warm and protected, snuggled between Blue and the fuzzy dog I’ve also fallen in love with.
Chapter Ten
For the first time since we met, we’re having dinner in a local diner while Acorn waits in the back seat of my car on a blanket with a special bone I bought for him. I can’t even describe how good it feels to be out in public on a real date with the guy I’m in love with.
Christmas music is playing in the background, and I feel festive in my fuzzy white sweater and matching mittens and hat that I’ve put on the chair next to me. I keep glancing at Blue while I read the menu because he looks incredibly handsome tonight. His hair is freshly washed, all fluffy and wavy. The subtle scent of the cologne I gave him a few weeks ago fills my lungs with hints of sandalwood and vanilla. And don’t even ask me how a man can look so hot in a black sweater, but he sure as hell does. The knit fabric accentuates his wide shoulders and chest and makes him look positively cuddly and sexy.
I worried that Blue might appear out of place somehow or act awkward being in a restaurant, but I was wrong. He’s completely relaxed and natural, exuding his usual magnetic confidence. I catch several of the waitresses gawking at him as they walk by, but I curb my jealousy. He never flirts back, and I’ve never caught him checking out other women. Not once. His eyes are always on me, and they truly are a window to his thoughts, revealing his good and bad moods as well as his deepest emotions. There’s no way I could ever question his love for me because it’s so undeniable in the way he looks at me. That can’t be faked or forced. And neither can the flashes of need and desire I often see when I catch him staring at me.
Dinner was his idea, prompted by him making extra money this week after playing in a few bars. I feel bad letting him spend money on me, but I also know I need to let him pay and take care of me once in a while so he doesn’t feel like he’s taking advantage of me.