Page 27 of Still in Love
“Are you hungry? You need to take your vitamins.” He starts pulling them out of the bag. I can tell he’s going through his mental checklist. The one that has him checking off the boxes that guarantee my well-being.
“Do I need food to take them?” I reach for the bottle but he’s already reading it and taking a picture of it to send to someone. I wouldn’t be shocked if he has the cell number to the best OBGYN in the city already in his phone.
“I want a female doctor.”
“Are you serious right now?” I roll my eyes but I’m not shocked that he wants me to have a female doctor.
“You’re going to hurt those beautiful eyes if you keep rolling them. Is this a side effect of pregnancy?” I grab one of the couch pillows and throw it at him. He drops my vitamins to catch it. I snag the bottle.
“I’ll need water.” I lean back on the sofa kicking off my shoes. “Unless you want me to get it.” I fake getting up from the couch. He takes off for the kitchen before I can even fully stand. I burst into laughter. I’ve been smiling so much today that my face is starting to hurt.
“I should send our regrets for the Children’s Fund charity.” Con hands me the bottle of water. The smile falls away from my face. Right. I’d forgotten about everything else. The news of the baby has been the only thing I could think about. Everything else had been pushed to the wayside for me.
“Do you see my purse?” I look around for it. Con grabs it out of a pile of bags. When he hands it to me, he steals the vitamins back. He’s such a sneak but in the best of ways.
I feel lighter since getting the news from the doctor. When she told me that the test was positive, it had felt as though a weight had been lifted off me. I knew that I was stressed about it, but I hadn’t realized how much it was actually affecting me.
I pull my phone out to see if Teddy has at least texted me saying he’s sorry. I feel pathetic checking. More so when I see I don’t have anything from him.
“You can take these now. I’m going to order dinner.” I take the pills from him, chasing them with water as Con types away on his phone. The man will do anything for me, I only have to ask.
“Can I have a million dollars?”
He looks up from his phone.
“Anything else?”
“I’ve always wanted a gold bar for the safe,” I tease. There is a hint of truth to it. How can you have such a fancy safe and no gold bar? It feels wrong.
“Do you want the money in cash?” He pockets his phone, smiling as he drops down into the seat next to me. “I’ll have to make some calls about your gold bar. Shall I have your name engraved on it?”
“Good call. Engrave the bar.” He kisses my neck. I tilt my head for him. “I’ll take the money in cash.”
“Can it wait until morning?” I nod my head as he keeps on kissing me.
“Can I ask why you can’t pull it out of your own account?” Con pulls back to look at me. “Relax,” he tells me. I realize my whole body has gone tense. “You can tell me anything. You know that. Right?”
“I kind of forgot to tell you I gave Orchard money to buy the grocery chain.”
“You own a grocery chain.”
“No.” I shake my head quickly. “Why does everyone say that? I don’t own it. I gave a loan to my best friend so she could realize that she was in love with her husband.” I realize to anyone else that would sound crazy, but Con will understand my line of thinking. Con’s lips twitch.
“That sounds completely reasonable.”
I smack his chest. “Look at them now. All happily in love and having a baby.” It dawns on me then. “We’re going to have babies together.” I squeal the last part. All my excitement comes rushing back.
“But you need a million in cash and a gold bar.” Con hits me with reality again. Reminding me that the grocery store wasn’t the only secret that I’ve kept from him. That thought threatens to ruin this moment, but I push it aside.
“You don’t have to give me the gold bar. It was just an idea.” I wave my hand around the living room. “This is all decorated. It would be like decorating the safe.”
“I’ll get you as many gold bars as you want.”
“Thank you.” I brush my mouth against his.
“The money will be here in the morning.” He pulls me into his lap so that I’m straddling him. “Are you going to tell me why you need it?”