Page 36 of Sugar Daddies
“On what?”
“On you.”
He nodded. “Yeah, on what you want.”
I drizzled some olive oil over my greens. “Last time I checked you were the ones who were paying. Surely it’s about whatyouwant, no?”
He shook his head. “That’s not quite how it works.” He forked himself some cucumber stars. “See, we want…things… we want…someone…”
The piece of tomato in my mouth felt big all of a sudden. I struggled to chew, and struggled harder to swallow. “Someone? Like… more than a…”
“More than a fuck once a week on a Saturday, yeah.” He sipped his water, but his eyes didn’t leave mine. “Much more than that.”
I felt my colour draining.Much more than that.What could be much more than that? A live-in whore? A sex slave? A maid?A girlfriend?
He waved his hands. Held them up. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. Too much, too soon.”
“No,” I said. “It’s just… I don’t…” I took a breath. “I’m not really sure how this stuff works. I just read a couple of reader’s letters in Glitz, and it all sounded so easy and cool and glamorous. And hot. It sounded hot.”
“Therearen’t any rules,” he said. “It’s just people. People want different things. I guess we need to find a zone where we all gel.”
“Yeah,” I said. “I guess so.”
I had no idea what kind of zone a guy like Carl would gel in. The idea turned my legs to jelly.
“Me, personally,” he said. “I want fun. Companionship. Someone who’ll make us laugh. Someone who fits. Someone who’s kind. Someone who takes cock like a trooper and still wants more the next morning.”
My cheeks burned. “And then what?”
He shrugged. “And then she stays. Maybe. If that’s what she wants.”
He looked me straight in the face. “Decides she doesn’t want to leave and our cool little duo becomes an even cooler trio.” He shook his head, slapped himself on the temple.“Shit. This really isn’t for now. I only fucked you once already, I’m kinda hoping for more before I scare the shit out of you.”
“I’m not scared,” I said, but it was at least partially a lie. “I just… I don’t know…”
“You can’t know,” he said. “You only just met us.” He sighed. “I just wanted you to know this isn’t just some flash in the pan idea. It’s not aboutthrowing money at a bit of pussy.”
“Noted.” I smiled.
He laughed, a belly laugh. “You’re so fucking scared now.”
I laughed back. “No!”
“Yes,” he grinned. “You are. Forget I said anything.”
“Really,” I lied. “I’m not.”
He licked his lips, and his tongue bar glinted, the atmosphere tightening in a heartbeat. “We’ll fuck you first. A lot. Then you can think about it.”
My stomach tickled, and I wanted him. I knew I wantedhim. I shouldn’t think it, and I certainly shouldn’t say, but the words were already in my throat. “If it was just… ifthiswas just… regular… it would be…”
“Easier…” I admitted. “I mean, if it were just… if this were… us…”